Contributing to this tutorial

Contributions are very welcomed - these can include but are not restricted to

  • pointing out typos or suggesting places were the description should be improved (open an MR in or send us an email)

  • showcasing what you are doing with the Python bindings for dune: we would like to showcase what user have used this package for, by adding sections to the User Projects chapter as described in the next section.

  • providing an improvement or a small example:

    To make changes or add something to one of the existing scripts, please note that the notebooks are generated from the Python scripts using the package jupytext. So any changes should be done in the scripts. To check the effect of any change in the notebook simply install the Python packages jupytext (and jupyter) and after the change run

    jupytext --execute --set-kernel python3 --output script_nb.ipynb

    Then you can have a look at the notebook in the usual way. Once you are finished open a MR or send us the modified script - any help will certainly be appreciated!

    If you want to build the full tutorial yourself then you need to build this dune module using dunecontrol and then run make doc in the cmake build directory. The tutorial can then be viewed by loading doc/html/index.html into a web browser. Note that the notebooks used for the html tutorial are part of the repository so that the Python bindings are not needed to run make doc. Some Python packages are needed in addition to sphinx: nbsphinx, nbconvert, ipython, jupytext, sphinx_rtd_theme.

    Rebuilding the notebook is done in the doc subfolder using standard make, e.g., after a change to run ` cd doc touch make concepts_nb.ipynb cd ../build-cmake make doc ` All packages needed to rebuild the full tutorial (which takes quite some time) are listed in the file reqCI.txt in the main folder and can be installed using ` pip install -r reqCI.txt `

    Adding a new notebook involves the following steps

    • adding the script with the markdown/python code into the demos folder

    • adding a link to the script in the doc folder

    • adding the script_nb.ipynb file to doc/Makefile and both the script and the notebook to CMakeLists.txt.

    • adding the notebook to one of the rst files, e.g., doc/furtherexamples.rst

    • running make script_nb.ipynb in the doc folder (not in the build directory).

    • running make doc in the cmake build directory

The script in demos, the link to that in doc and the notebook generated in doc by running make script_nb.ipynb should be added to the repository.

How to showcase your own work

To provide an example of what you have been doing with this package, send us a file projectname_descr.rst with a short description of your project with the authors and links to the project web page, journal article and so on. The following is an example taken from the description file of the vem project

*dune-vem*: implementation of the virtual element method

.. sectionauthor:: Andreas Dedner <>, Martin Nolte <>

This module is based on DUNE-FEM
and provides implementation for the Virtual Element Method.
The code is available in the module

A python script showcasing your project can be provided as well. But it should run with a standard set of Python packages and Dune modules - and not take ages to run. For longer running example simply link to results on your project webpage.

The script can contain both markdown parts for additional descriptions between python code blocks similar to a jupyter notebook (see e.g. the script for the virtual element project). This file will be translated into a jupyter notebook which will also be made available for download. The python module jupytext and the sphinx extension nbsphinx is used to generate the restructured text file used in the documentation. The syntax for combining markdown cells and python code is straightforward:

# %% [markdown]
# # Laplace problem
# We first consider a simple Laplace problem with Dirichlet boundary conditions
# \begin{align*}
#   -\Delta u &= f, && \text{in } \Omega, \\
#           u &= g, && \text{on } \partial\Omega,
# \end{align*}
# First some setup code:

# %%
import dune.vem
from dune.grid import cartesianDomain, gridFunction
from dune.vem import voronoiCells
from ufl import *
import dune.ufl

# %% [markdown]
# Now we define the model starting with the exact solution:

# %%
uflSpace = dune.ufl.Space(2, dimRange=1)
x = SpatialCoordinate(uflSpace)
exact = as_vector( [x[0]*x[1] * cos(pi*x[0]*x[1])] )

# next the bilinear form
u = TrialFunction(uflSpace)
v = TestFunction(uflSpace)
a = (inner(grad(u),grad(v))) * dx

If you have any questions or something in unclear let us know!