Dune Core Modules (unstable)

Matrix and Vector classes that support a block recursive structure capable of representing the natural structure from Finite Element discretisations. More...


 Block Recursive Iterative Kernels
 IO for matrices and vectors.
 Provides methods for reading and writing matrices and vectors in various formats.
 Dense Matrix and Vector Template Library
 Type traits to retrieve the field and the real type of classes.


file  matrixmatrix.hh
 provides functions for sparse matrix matrix multiplication.
file  matrixutils.hh
 Some handy generic functions for ISTL matrices.


struct  Dune::CompressionStatistics< size_type >
 Statistics about compression achieved in implicit mode. More...
class  Dune::ImplicitMatrixBuilder< M_ >
 A wrapper for uniform access to the BCRSMatrix during and after the build stage in implicit build mode. More...
class  Dune::BCRSMatrix< B, A >
 A sparse block matrix with compressed row storage. More...
class  Dune::BDMatrix< B, A >
 A block-diagonal matrix. More...
class  Dune::BTDMatrix< B, A >
 A block-tridiagonal matrix. More...
class  Dune::BlockVector< B, A >
 A vector of blocks with memory management. More...
class  Dune::Matrix< T, A >
 A generic dynamic dense matrix. More...
struct  Dune::MatMultMatResult< M1, M2 >
 Helper TMP to get the result type of a sparse matrix matrix multiplication ( \(C=A*B\)) More...
struct  Dune::TransposedMatMultMatResult< M1, M2 >
 Helper TMP to get the result type of a sparse matrix matrix multiplication ( \(C=A*B\)) More...
struct  Dune::CheckIfDiagonalPresent< Matrix, blocklevel, l >
 Check whether the a matrix has diagonal values on blocklevel recursion levels. More...
class  Dune::MultiTypeBlockMatrix< FirstRow, Args >
 A Matrix class to support different block types. More...
class  Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >
 A Vector class to support different block types. More...
struct  std::tuple_element< i, Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args... > >
 Make std::tuple_element work for MultiTypeBlockVector. More...
struct  std::tuple_size< Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args... > >
 Make std::tuple_size work for MultiTypeBlockVector. More...
class  Dune::VariableBlockVector< B, A >
 A Vector of blocks with different blocksizes. More...


using Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::size_type = std::size_t
 Type used for vector sizes.
typedef MultiTypeBlockVector< Args... > Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::type
using Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::field_type = Std::detected_t< std::common_type_t, typename FieldTraits< std::decay_t< Args > >::field_type... >
 The type used for scalars. More...
using Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::real_type = Std::detected_t< std::common_type_t, typename FieldTraits< std::decay_t< Args > >::real_type... >
 The type used for real values. More...


template<class T , class A , class A1 , class A2 , int n, int m, int k>
void Dune::matMultTransposeMat (BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, k >, A > &res, const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, m >, A1 > &mat, const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, k, m >, A2 > &matt, bool tryHard=false)
 Calculate product of a sparse matrix with a transposed sparse matrices ( \(C=A*B^T\)). More...
template<class T , class A , class A1 , class A2 , int n, int m, int k>
void Dune::matMultMat (BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, m >, A > &res, const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, k >, A1 > &mat, const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, k, m >, A2 > &matt, bool tryHard=false)
 Calculate product of two sparse matrices ( \(C=A*B\)). More...
template<class T , class A , class A1 , class A2 , int n, int m, int k>
void Dune::transposeMatMultMat (BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, m >, A > &res, const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, k, n >, A1 > &mat, const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, k, m >, A2 > &matt, bool tryHard=false)
 Calculate product of a transposed sparse matrix with another sparse matrices ( \(C=A^T*B\)). More...
template<class M >
auto Dune::countNonZeros (const M &, typename std::enable_if_t< Dune::IsNumber< M >::value > *sfinae=nullptr)
 Get the number of nonzero fields in the matrix. More...
static constexpr size_type Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::size ()
 Return the number of non-zero vector entries. More...
static constexpr size_type Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::N ()
 Number of elements.
size_type Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::dim () const
 Number of scalar elements.
template<size_type index>
std::tuple_element< index, TupleType >::typeDune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::operator[] (const std::integral_constant< size_type, index > indexVariable)
 Random-access operator. More...
template<size_type index>
const std::tuple_element< index, TupleType >::typeDune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::operator[] (const std::integral_constant< size_type, index > indexVariable) const
 Const random-access operator. More...
template<typename T >
void Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::operator= (const T &newval)
 Assignment operator.
void Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::operator+= (const type &newv)
void Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::operator-= (const type &newv)
template<class T , std::enable_if_t< IsNumber< T >::value, int > = 0>
void Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::operator*= (const T &w)
 Multiplication with a scalar.
template<class T , std::enable_if_t< IsNumber< T >::value, int > = 0>
void Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::operator/= (const T &w)
 Division by a scalar.
auto Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::one_norm () const
 Compute the 1-norm.
auto Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::one_norm_real () const
 Compute the simplified 1-norm (uses 1-norm also for complex values)
real_type Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::two_norm2 () const
 Compute the squared Euclidean norm.
real_type Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::two_norm () const
 Compute the Euclidean norm.
real_type Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::infinity_norm () const
 Compute the maximum norm.
real_type Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::infinity_norm_real () const
 Compute the simplified maximum norm (uses 1-norm for complex values)
template<typename Ta >
void Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::axpy (const Ta &a, const type &y)
 Axpy operation on this vector (*this += a * y) More...
template<typename... Args>
std::ostream & Dune::operator<< (std::ostream &s, const MultiTypeBlockVector< Args... > &v)
 Send MultiTypeBlockVector to an outstream.

Detailed Description

Matrix and Vector classes that support a block recursive structure capable of representing the natural structure from Finite Element discretisations.

The interface of our matrices is designed according to what they represent from a mathematical point of view. The vector classes are representations of vector spaces:

  • FieldVector represents a vector space \(V=K^n\) where the field \(K\) is represented by a numeric type (e.g. double, float, complex). \(n\) is known at compile time.
  • BlockVector represents a vector space \(V=W\times W \times W \times\cdots\times W\) where W is itself a vector space.
  • VariableBlockVector represents a vector space having a two-level block structure of the form \(V=B^{n_1}\times B^{n_2}\times\ldots \times B^{n_m}\), i.e. it is constructed from \(m\) vector spaces, \(i=1,\ldots,m\).

The matrix classes represent linear maps \(A: V \mapsto W\) from vector space \(V\) to vector space \(W\) the recursive block structure of the matrix rows and columns immediately follows from the recursive block structure of the vectors representing the domain and range of the mapping, respectively:

  • FieldMatrix represents a linear map \(M: V_1 \to V_2\) where \(V_1=K^n\) and \(V_2=K^m\) are vector spaces over the same field represented by a numerix type.
  • BCRSMatrix represents a linear map \(M: V_1 \to V_2\) where \(V_1=W\times W \times W \times\cdots\times W\) and \(V_2=W\times W \times W \times\cdots\times W\) where W is itself a vector space.
  • VariableBCRSMatrix is not yet implemented.

Typedef Documentation

◆ field_type

template<typename... Args>
using Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::field_type = Std::detected_t<std::common_type_t, typename FieldTraits< std::decay_t<Args> >::field_type...>

The type used for scalars.

Use the std::common_type_t of the Args' field_type and use nonesuch if no implementation of std::common_type is provided for the given field_type arguments.

◆ real_type

template<typename... Args>
using Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::real_type = Std::detected_t<std::common_type_t, typename FieldTraits< std::decay_t<Args> >::real_type...>

The type used for real values.

Use the std::common_type_t of the Args' real_type and use nonesuch if no implementation of std::common_type is provided for the given real_type arguments.

◆ type

template<typename... Args>
typedef MultiTypeBlockVector<Args...> Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::type

own class' type

Function Documentation

◆ axpy()

template<typename... Args>
template<typename Ta >
void Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::axpy ( const Ta &  a,
const type y 

Axpy operation on this vector (*this += a * y)

Template Parameters
TaType of the scalar 'a'

References Dune::Hybrid::forEach(), and Dune::Hybrid::integralRange().

◆ countNonZeros()

template<class M >
auto Dune::countNonZeros ( const M &  ,
typename std::enable_if_t< Dune::IsNumber< M >::value > *  sfinae = nullptr 

Get the number of nonzero fields in the matrix.

This is not the number of nonzero blocks, but the number of non zero scalar entries (on blocklevel 1) if the matrix is viewed as a flat matrix.

For FieldMatrix this is simply the number of columns times the number of rows, for a BCRSMatrix<FieldMatrix<K,n,m>> this is the number of nonzero blocks time n*m.

Referenced by Dune::Amg::MatrixHierarchy< M, PI, A >::build().

◆ matMultMat()

template<class T , class A , class A1 , class A2 , int n, int m, int k>
void Dune::matMultMat ( BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, m >, A > &  res,
const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, k >, A1 > &  mat,
const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, k, m >, A2 > &  matt,
bool  tryHard = false 

Calculate product of two sparse matrices ( \(C=A*B\)).

resMatrix for the result of the computation.
matMatrix A.
mattMatrix B.

◆ matMultTransposeMat()

template<class T , class A , class A1 , class A2 , int n, int m, int k>
void Dune::matMultTransposeMat ( BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, k >, A > &  res,
const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, m >, A1 > &  mat,
const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, k, m >, A2 > &  matt,
bool  tryHard = false 

Calculate product of a sparse matrix with a transposed sparse matrices ( \(C=A*B^T\)).

resMatrix for the result of the computation.
matMatrix A.
mattMatrix B, which will be transposed before the multiplication.

◆ operator+=()

template<typename... Args>
void Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::operator+= ( const type newv)

◆ operator-=()

template<typename... Args>
void Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::operator-= ( const type newv)

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

template<typename... Args>
template<size_type index>
std::tuple_element< index, TupleType >::type & Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::operator[] ( const std::integral_constant< size_type, index >  indexVariable)

Random-access operator.

This method mimics the behavior of normal vector access with square brackets like, e.g., v[5] = 1. The problem is that the return type is different for each value of the argument in the brackets. Therefore we implement a trick using std::integral_constant. To access the first entry of a MultiTypeBlockVector named v write

std::integral_constant<std::size_t,0> _0;
v[_0] = ...
A Vector class to support different block types.
Definition: multitypeblockvector.hh:59
constexpr index_constant< 0 > _0
Compile time index with value 0.
Definition: indices.hh:52

The name '_0' used here as a static replacement of the integer number zero is arbitrary. Any other variable name can be used. If you don't like the separate variable, you can writee

v[std::integral_constant<std::size_t,0>()] = ...

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

template<typename... Args>
template<size_type index>
const std::tuple_element< index, TupleType >::type & Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::operator[] ( const std::integral_constant< size_type, index >  indexVariable) const

Const random-access operator.

This is the const version of the random-access operator. See the non-const version for a full explanation of how to use it.

◆ size()

template<typename... Args>
static constexpr size_type Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector< Args >::size ( )

Return the number of non-zero vector entries.

As this is a dense vector data structure, all entries are non-zero, and hence 'size' returns the same number as 'N'.

◆ transposeMatMultMat()

template<class T , class A , class A1 , class A2 , int n, int m, int k>
void Dune::transposeMatMultMat ( BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, n, m >, A > &  res,
const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, k, n >, A1 > &  mat,
const BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix< T, k, m >, A2 > &  matt,
bool  tryHard = false 

Calculate product of a transposed sparse matrix with another sparse matrices ( \(C=A^T*B\)).

resMatrix for the result of the computation.
matMatrix A, which will be transposed before the multiplication.
mattMatrix B.

Referenced by MatrixInfo< BCRSMatrix >::computeNonSymCond2().

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