The Dune Build System

As Dune is a set of separate modules rather than a monolithic piece of software, building it is a bit more complex than building other finite element programs. This page will explain the main design ideas of the Dune build system, and how to use them for your needs. A description of the Dune build system of Release 2.7 is also included in the Dune book.

By itself, each Dune module is a C++ library (many of them with Python bindings), which uses CMake as its build system. It is the aim to make these individual build systems conform to standard CMake practices as much as possible, but currently they still contain a few Dune-specific quirks.

To build sets of Dune modules that belong together, Dune contains a dedicated tool called dunecontrol (in the dune-common/bin directory). This tool can track dependencies, determine suitable build orders, and configure, build, and install ensembles of Dune modules. The rest of this page mainly explains how the dunecontrol tool works.

From now on, we assume that dunecontrol is in your PATH, i.e., you can call it without having to specify its location. This is given automatically if you have the dune-common module installed globally, e.g, via a Linux package. Otherwise, you may run

echo 'export PATH=/path/to/dune-common/bin:${PATH}' >> ${HOME}/.bashrc
source ${HOME}/.bashrc

Building DUNE modules

To compile the modules DUNE has to check several components of your system and whether prerequisites within the modules are met.

The typical way to run dunecontrol is using an options file and execute:

./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --opts=config.opts all

This will configure and build all modules you have downloaded in the order of resolved dependencies.

The config.opts file contains, e.g.,


See below for more details on the options file.

More generally, you can separately run

./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol [OPTIONS] cmake [CMAKE_FLAGS]
./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol [OPTIONS] make [MAKE_FLAGS]

in order to first configure and then build all modules with the given flags.

Building other DUNE modules

Besides the core modules you can find lots of other dune modules:

If you want to use one of those modules make sure to download the module and all dependencies in the same common directory as the DUNE core modules. Building your modules is done in the same way as building the core modules by calling dunecontrol.

Building a specific DUNE module (and its dependent modules)

You can instruct dunecontrol to build only a certain dune module, using the --only=<module_name> switch. Running dunecontrol script

dunecontrol --only=<module_name> all

where <module_name> is the name of that particular module given in the dune.module file, will build only the module <module_name>.

If you want to build a module and the modules it depends on, you must run:

dunecontrol --module=<module_name> all

Changing build mode and optimization flags

The flags passed to the compiler are controlled by CMake. Thus, in order to change these flags, you have to add a CMAKE_FLAG responsible for compiler (and/or linker) options.

One can either specify a global build mode:

dunecontrol cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Debug|MinSizeRel|RelWithDebInfo|Release]

(see CMake documentation for a more detailed description of the CMake option)

or you can specify compiler flags explicitly, e.g.,

dunecontrol cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -march=native"

This is equivalent to specifying both, the release more and the additional -march=native flag:

dunecontrol cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-march=native"

Both flags can be put into an options file, see below, or can be set by specifying the CMAKE_FLAGS environmental variable:

CMAKE_FLAGS='-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-march=native"' dunecontrol cmake

Note, if you do not specify anything, the CMake defaults are used which essentially means: no code optimization.

Speeding up the build process

Building several DUNE modules can be quiet time consuming. Using a concurrent build can speed this up. Either you can instruct make to use multiple threads when building,

dunecontrol make -jN

or you can specify another make-system, like Ninja build, by setting a different CMake generator:

dunecontrol cmake -GNinja
dunecontrol make

If parts of the code must be rebuild multiple times, a utility like ccache might be useful and can be specified as a COMPILER_LAUNCHER in CMake:

dunecontrol cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=/path/to/ccache

(see CMake documentation for a more detailed description of the CMake option)

Storing flags in an options file

As it is often not convenient to specify the desired options after the dunecontrol call, one can pass the options via file specified by the --opts option:

dunecontrol --opts=<file> COMMAND

Possible options for the options-file (or the environment) are

  • CMAKE_FLAGS: arguments passed to the cmake command
  • MAKE_FLAGS: arguments passed to the make command
  • BUILDDIR: build directory for an out-of-source build. default: build-cmake
  • CMAKE: executable to use for cmake
  • DUNE_CONTROL_PATH: A PATH variable to locate dune modules in its subdirectories, directories are separated by colon :

An example of an options file is

# set build mode and compiler flags,
# install to a custom directory,
# disable the MPI library,
# add a search path for external libraries
# and use Ninja-build instead of make as the build-tool
             -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=\"-march=native\" \
             -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/where/to/install/dune \
             -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=\"/path/to/lib1;/path/to/lib2\" \

Details about the dunecontrol utility

The general structure of a dunecontrol call is

dunecontrol [OPTIONS] COMMAND


The following atomic COMMANDs can be executed:

  • cmake: run the CMake system for each module and passes along the directories of the found dune modules
  • make: run make (or any other build tool that was configured) for each module
  • all: combination of cmake and make
  • exec: execute a command in each module directory
  • bexec: execute a command in each module’s build directory
  • update: pull the latest version from the Git repository
  • git: run a specific git command in all module directories


The following general OPTIONS are available:

  • --help: Show a detailed list of all options with description.
  • --module=<mod>, --only=<mod>, --current, --current-dep: Control which modules to build, see above.
  • --builddir=<dir>: Make out-of-source builds in a subdir <dir>. This directory is created inside each module. If <dir> is an absolute path, the build directory is set to <dir>/module-name for each module.
  • --opts=<file>: load default options from <file>

Creating your own DUNE project module

You can create your own dune project module by using the duneproject script available in dune-common/bin directory. Running the script will create a directory with supporting files (CMakeLists.txt etc.) and a sample .cc file. After creating the module you can build this as explained above under “Building a specific DUNE module”.

The DUNE Build System Documentation will also give you an excellent introduction to the build system and how to create new modules/projects your own.

Installing DUNE in HPC Clusters

Cluster architectures often have a linux based system that is quiet different from a desktop environment, with its own package management system that needs special handling of the installation such that everything is found properly. However, often it is enough to just load the (build) dependencies and build DUNE using dunecontrol the classical way as described above. There are also some non-official ways of building DUNE in HPC environments, e.g.

Warning: those descriptions and tools are often provided just for a single or a few DUNE releases and are sometimes outdated.

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