Dune Core Modules (unstable)
Go to the documentation of this file.
3// SPDX-FileCopyrightInfo: Copyright © DUNE Project contributors, see file LICENSE.md in module root
70 constexpr static bool value = std::is_convertible<T1,T2>::value || std::is_convertible<T2,T1>::value;
234 struct IsIndexable<T,I,typename std::enable_if<(sizeof(std::declval<T>()[std::declval<I>()]) > 0),int>::type>
432 [[deprecated("This class is deprecated and will be removed after Dune 2.10. Use sizeof...(T) instead.")]]
492 constexpr auto integerSequenceEntry(std::integer_sequence<T, t...> /*seq*/, std::integral_constant<std::size_t, index> i)
512 : public decltype(Impl::IntegerSequenceHelper<T, t...>::get(std::integral_constant<std::size_t, i>()))
constexpr auto integerSequenceEntry(std::integer_sequence< T, t... >, std::integral_constant< std::size_t, index > i)
Get entry of std::integer_sequence.
Definition: typetraits.hh:492
typename FieldTraits< Type >::real_type real_t
Convenient access to FieldTraits<Type>::real_type.
Definition: typetraits.hh:301
typename AutonomousValueType< T >::type AutonomousValue
Type free of internal references that T can be converted to.
Definition: typetraits.hh:588
typename Impl::voider< Types... >::type void_t
Is void for all valid input types. The workhorse for C++11 SFINAE-techniques.
Definition: typetraits.hh:40
typename FieldTraits< Type >::field_type field_t
Convenient access to FieldTraits<Type>::field_type.
Definition: typetraits.hh:297
constexpr std::integer_sequence< T, II... > tail(std::integer_sequence< T, I0, II... >)
For a sequence [head,tail...) return the tail sequence.
Definition: integersequence.hh:58
constexpr std::integral_constant< T, I0 > head(std::integer_sequence< T, I0, II... >)
For a sequence [head,tail...) return the single head element.
Definition: integersequence.hh:53
constexpr auto get(std::integer_sequence< T, II... >, std::integral_constant< std::size_t, pos >={})
Return the entry at position pos of the given sequence.
Definition: integersequence.hh:22
STL namespace.
Type free of internal references that T can be converted to.
Definition: typetraits.hh:531
Enable typedef if two types are interoperable.
Definition: typetraits.hh:81
Check if a type is callable with ()-operator and given arguments.
Definition: typetraits.hh:162
Check if T is an integral constant or any type derived from std::integral_constant.
Definition: typetraits.hh:411
Type trait to determine whether an instance of T has an operator[](I), i.e. whether it can be indexed...
Definition: typetraits.hh:250
static constexpr bool value
True if either a conversion from T1 to T2 or vice versa exists.
Definition: typetraits.hh:70
typetrait to check that a class has begin() and end() members
Definition: typetraits.hh:273
Whether this type acts as a scalar in the context of (hierarchically blocked) containers.
Definition: typetraits.hh:194
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