Dune Core Modules (2.7.1)

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1 // -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2 // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
12 #include <algorithm>
13 #include <array>
14 #include <limits>
15 #include <map>
16 #include <memory>
18 #include <dune/common/to_unique_ptr.hh>
20 #include <dune/geometry/referenceelements.hh>
28 namespace Dune
29 {
48  template< int dim, int dimworld >
49  class GridFactory< AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >
50  : public GridFactoryInterface< AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >
51  {
54  public:
59  typedef typename Grid::ctype ctype;
62  static const int dimension = Grid::dimension;
64  static const int dimensionworld = Grid::dimensionworld;
72  typedef std::shared_ptr< const DuneProjection > DuneProjectionPtr;
75  template< int codim >
76  struct Codim
77  {
78  typedef typename Grid::template Codim< codim >::Entity Entity;
79  };
81  private:
84  static const int numVertices
85  = Alberta::NumSubEntities< dimension, dimension >::value;
87  typedef Alberta::MacroElement< dimension > MacroElement;
88  typedef Alberta::ElementInfo< dimension > ElementInfo;
89  typedef Alberta::MacroData< dimension > MacroData;
90  typedef Alberta::NumberingMap< dimension, Alberta::Dune2AlbertaNumbering > NumberingMap;
91  typedef Alberta::DuneBoundaryProjection< dimension > Projection;
93  typedef std::array< unsigned int, dimension > FaceId;
94  typedef std::map< FaceId, size_t > BoundaryMap;
96  class ProjectionFactory;
98  public:
100  static const bool supportsBoundaryIds = true;
102  static const bool supportPeriodicity = MacroData::supportPeriodicity;
106  : globalProjection_( (const DuneProjection *) 0 )
107  {
108  macroData_.create();
109  }
111  virtual ~GridFactory ();
117  virtual void insertVertex ( const WorldVector &pos )
118  {
119  macroData_.insertVertex( pos );
120  }
127  virtual void insertElement ( const GeometryType &type,
128  const std::vector< unsigned int > &vertices )
129  {
130  if( (int)type.dim() != dimension )
131  DUNE_THROW( AlbertaError, "Inserting element of wrong dimension: " << type.dim() );
132  if( !type.isSimplex() )
133  DUNE_THROW( AlbertaError, "Alberta supports only simplices." );
135  if( vertices.size() != (size_t)numVertices )
136  DUNE_THROW( AlbertaError, "Wrong number of vertices passed: " << vertices.size() << "." );
138  int array[ numVertices ];
139  for( int i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i )
140  array[ i ] = vertices[ numberingMap_.alberta2dune( dimension, i ) ];
141  macroData_.insertElement( array );
142  }
154  virtual void insertBoundary ( int element, int face, int id )
155  {
156  if( (id <= 0) || (id > 127) )
157  DUNE_THROW( AlbertaError, "Invalid boundary id: " << id << "." );
158  macroData_.boundaryId( element, numberingMap_.dune2alberta( 1, face ) ) = id;
159  }
171  virtual void
173  const std::vector< unsigned int > &vertices,
174  const DuneProjection *projection )
175  {
176  if( (int)type.dim() != dimension-1 )
177  DUNE_THROW( AlbertaError, "Inserting boundary face of wrong dimension: " << type.dim() );
178  if( !type.isSimplex() )
179  DUNE_THROW( AlbertaError, "Alberta supports only simplices." );
181  FaceId faceId;
182  if( vertices.size() != faceId.size() )
183  DUNE_THROW( AlbertaError, "Wrong number of face vertices passed: " << vertices.size() << "." );
184  for( size_t i = 0; i < faceId.size(); ++i )
185  faceId[ i ] = vertices[ i ];
186  std::sort( faceId.begin(), faceId.end() );
188  typedef std::pair< typename BoundaryMap::iterator, bool > InsertResult;
189  const InsertResult result = boundaryMap_.insert( std::make_pair( faceId, boundaryProjections_.size() ) );
190  if( !result.second )
191  DUNE_THROW( GridError, "Only one boundary projection can be attached to a face." );
192  boundaryProjections_.push_back( DuneProjectionPtr( projection ) );
193  }
204  virtual void insertBoundaryProjection ( const DuneProjection *projection )
205  {
206  if( globalProjection_ )
207  DUNE_THROW( GridError, "Only one global boundary projection can be attached to a grid." );
208  globalProjection_ = DuneProjectionPtr( projection );
209  }
216  virtual void
217  insertBoundarySegment ( const std::vector< unsigned int >& vertices )
218  {
219  insertBoundaryProjection( GeometryTypes::simplex( dimension-1 ), vertices, 0 );
220  }
227  virtual void
228  insertBoundarySegment ( const std::vector< unsigned int > &vertices,
229  const std::shared_ptr< BoundarySegment > &boundarySegment )
230  {
233  if( !boundarySegment )
234  DUNE_THROW( GridError, "Trying to insert null as a boundary segment." );
235  if( (int)vertices.size() != refSimplex.size( dimension-1 ) )
236  DUNE_THROW( GridError, "Wrong number of face vertices passed: " << vertices.size() << "." );
238  std::vector< WorldVector > coords( refSimplex.size( dimension-1 ) );
239  for( int i = 0; i < dimension; ++i )
240  {
241  Alberta::GlobalVector &x = macroData_.vertex( vertices[ i ] );
242  for( int j = 0; j < dimensionworld; ++j )
243  coords[ i ][ j ] = x[ j ];
244  if( ((*boundarySegment)( refSimplex.position( i, dimension-1 ) ) - coords[ i ]).two_norm() > 1e-6 )
245  DUNE_THROW( GridError, "Boundary segment does not interpolate the corners." );
246  }
248  const GeometryType gt = refSimplex.type( 0, 0 );
249  const DuneProjection *prj = new BoundarySegmentWrapper( gt, coords, boundarySegment );
250  insertBoundaryProjection( gt, vertices, prj );
251  }
266  void insertFaceTransformation ( const WorldMatrix &matrix, const WorldVector &shift );
277  {
278  macroData_.markLongestEdge();
279  }
294  {
295  macroData_.finalize();
296  if( macroData_.elementCount() == 0 )
297  DUNE_THROW( GridError, "Cannot create empty AlbertaGrid." );
298  if( dimension < 3 )
299  macroData_.setOrientation( Alberta::Real( 1 ) );
300  assert( macroData_.checkNeighbors() );
301  macroData_.checkCycles();
302  ProjectionFactory projectionFactory( *this );
303  return new Grid( macroData_, projectionFactory );
304  }
310  static void destroyGrid ( Grid *grid )
311  {
312  delete grid;
313  }
321  bool write ( const std::string &filename )
322  {
323  macroData_.finalize();
324  if( dimension < 3 )
325  macroData_.setOrientation( Alberta::Real( 1 ) );
326  assert( macroData_.checkNeighbors() );
327  return macroData_.write( filename, false );
328  }
330  virtual unsigned int
331  insertionIndex ( const typename Codim< 0 >::Entity &entity ) const
332  {
333  return insertionIndex( entity.impl().elementInfo() );
334  }
336  virtual unsigned int
337  insertionIndex ( const typename Codim< dimension >::Entity &entity ) const
338  {
339  const int elIndex = insertionIndex( entity.impl().elementInfo() );
340  const typename MacroData::ElementId &elementId = macroData_.element( elIndex );
341  return elementId[ entity.impl().subEntity() ];
342  }
344  virtual unsigned int
345  insertionIndex ( const typename Grid::LeafIntersection &intersection ) const
346  {
347  const Grid &grid = intersection.impl().grid();
348  const ElementInfo &elementInfo = intersection.impl().elementInfo();
349  const int face = grid.generic2alberta( 1, intersection.indexInInside() );
350  return insertionIndex( elementInfo, face );
351  }
353  virtual bool
354  wasInserted ( const typename Grid::LeafIntersection &intersection ) const
355  {
356  return (insertionIndex( intersection ) < std::numeric_limits< unsigned int >::max());
357  }
359  private:
360  unsigned int insertionIndex ( const ElementInfo &elementInfo ) const;
361  unsigned int insertionIndex ( const ElementInfo &elementInfo, const int face ) const;
363  FaceId faceId ( const ElementInfo &elementInfo, const int face ) const;
365  MacroData macroData_;
366  NumberingMap numberingMap_;
367  DuneProjectionPtr globalProjection_;
368  BoundaryMap boundaryMap_;
369  std::vector< DuneProjectionPtr > boundaryProjections_;
370  };
373  template< int dim, int dimworld >
374  GridFactory< AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >::~GridFactory ()
375  {
376  macroData_.release();
377  }
380  template< int dim, int dimworld >
381  inline void
382  GridFactory< AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >
383  ::insertFaceTransformation ( const WorldMatrix &matrix, const WorldVector &shift )
384  {
385  // make sure the matrix is orthogonal
386  for( int i = 0; i < dimworld; ++i )
387  for( int j = 0; j < dimworld; ++j )
388  {
389  const ctype delta = (i == j ? ctype( 1 ) : ctype( 0 ));
390  const ctype epsilon = (8*dimworld)*std::numeric_limits< ctype >::epsilon();
392  if( std::abs( matrix[ i ] * matrix[ j ] - delta ) > epsilon )
393  {
394  DUNE_THROW( AlbertaError,
395  "Matrix of face transformation is not orthogonal." );
396  }
397  }
399  // copy matrix
400  Alberta::GlobalMatrix M;
401  for( int i = 0; i < dimworld; ++i )
402  for( int j = 0; j < dimworld; ++j )
403  M[ i ][ j ] = matrix[ i ][ j ];
405  // copy shift
406  Alberta::GlobalVector t;
407  for( int i = 0; i < dimworld; ++i )
408  t[ i ] = shift[ i ];
410  // insert into ALBERTA macro data
411  macroData_.insertWallTrafo( M, t );
412  }
415  template< int dim, int dimworld >
416  inline unsigned int
418  ::insertionIndex ( const ElementInfo &elementInfo ) const
419  {
420  const MacroElement &macroElement = elementInfo.macroElement();
421  const unsigned int index = macroElement.index;
423 #ifndef NDEBUG
424  const typename MacroData::ElementId &elementId = macroData_.element( index );
425  for( int i = 0; i <= dimension; ++i )
426  {
427  const Alberta::GlobalVector &x = macroData_.vertex( elementId[ i ] );
428  const Alberta::GlobalVector &y = macroElement.coordinate( i );
429  for( int j = 0; j < dimensionworld; ++j )
430  {
431  if( x[ j ] != y[ j ] )
432  DUNE_THROW( GridError, "Vertex in macro element does not coincide with same vertex in macro data structure." );
433  }
434  }
435 #endif // #ifndef NDEBUG
437  return index;
438  }
441  template< int dim, int dimworld >
442  inline unsigned int
443  GridFactory< AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >
444  ::insertionIndex ( const ElementInfo &elementInfo, const int face ) const
445  {
446  typedef typename BoundaryMap::const_iterator Iterator;
447  const Iterator it = boundaryMap_.find( faceId( elementInfo, face ) );
448  if( it != boundaryMap_.end() )
449  return it->second;
450  else
452  }
455  template< int dim, int dimworld >
456  inline typename GridFactory< AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >::FaceId
457  GridFactory< AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >
458  ::faceId ( const ElementInfo &elementInfo, const int face ) const
459  {
460  const unsigned int index = insertionIndex( elementInfo );
461  const typename MacroData::ElementId &elementId = macroData_.element( index );
463  FaceId faceId;
464  for( size_t i = 0; i < faceId.size(); ++i )
465  {
466  const int k = Alberta::MapVertices< dimension, 1 >::apply( face, i );
467  faceId[ i ] = elementId[ k ];
468  }
469  std::sort( faceId.begin(), faceId.end() );
470  return faceId;
471  }
475  // GridFactory::ProjectionFactory
476  // ------------------------------
478  template< int dim, int dimworld >
479  class GridFactory< AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >::ProjectionFactory
480  : public Alberta::ProjectionFactory< Alberta::DuneBoundaryProjection< dim >, ProjectionFactory >
481  {
482  typedef ProjectionFactory This;
483  typedef Alberta::ProjectionFactory< Alberta::DuneBoundaryProjection< dim >, ProjectionFactory > Base;
485  typedef typename Dune::GridFactory< AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > > Factory;
487  public:
488  typedef typename Base::Projection Projection;
489  typedef typename Base::ElementInfo ElementInfo;
491  typedef typename Projection::Projection DuneProjection;
493  ProjectionFactory( const GridFactory &gridFactory )
494  : gridFactory_( gridFactory )
495  {}
497  bool hasProjection ( const ElementInfo &elementInfo, const int face ) const
498  {
499  if( gridFactory().globalProjection_ )
500  return true;
502  const unsigned int index = gridFactory().insertionIndex( elementInfo, face );
504  return bool( gridFactory().boundaryProjections_[ index ] );
505  else
506  return false;
507  }
509  bool hasProjection ( const ElementInfo &elementInfo ) const
510  {
511  return bool( gridFactory().globalProjection_ );
512  }
514  Projection projection ( const ElementInfo &elementInfo, const int face ) const
515  {
516  const unsigned int index = gridFactory().insertionIndex( elementInfo, face );
518  {
519  const DuneProjectionPtr &projection = gridFactory().boundaryProjections_[ index ];
520  if( projection )
521  return Projection( projection );
522  }
524  assert( gridFactory().globalProjection_ );
525  return Projection( gridFactory().globalProjection_ );
526  };
528  Projection projection ( const ElementInfo &elementInfo ) const
529  {
530  assert( gridFactory().globalProjection_ );
531  return Projection( gridFactory().globalProjection_ );
532  };
534  const GridFactory &gridFactory () const
535  {
536  return gridFactory_;
537  }
539  private:
540  const GridFactory &gridFactory_;
541  };
543 }
545 #endif // #if HAVE_ALBERTA
547 #endif // #ifndef DUNE_ALBERTA_GRIDFACTORY_HH
provides the AlbertaGrid class
[ provides Dune::Grid ]
Definition: agrid.hh:139
Definition: boundaryprojection.hh:131
Wrapper class for entities.
Definition: entity.hh:64
A dense n x m matrix.
Definition: fmatrix.hh:69
vector space out of a tensor product of fields.
Definition: fvector.hh:96
Unique label for each type of entities that can occur in DUNE grids.
Definition: type.hh:279
constexpr unsigned int dim() const
Return dimension of the type.
Definition: type.hh:644
constexpr bool isSimplex() const
Return true if entity is a simplex of any dimension.
Definition: type.hh:629
Base class for exceptions in Dune grid modules.
Definition: exceptions.hh:18
Provide a generic factory class for unstructured grids.
Definition: gridfactory.hh:70
virtual unsigned int insertionIndex(const typename Codim< 0 >::Entity &entity) const
obtain an element's insertion index
Definition: gridfactory.hh:175
static const int dimension
dimension of the grid
Definition: gridfactory.hh:74
virtual bool wasInserted(const typename GridType::LeafIntersection &intersection) const
determine whether an intersection was inserted
Definition: gridfactory.hh:241
specialization of the generic GridFactory for AlbertaGrid
Definition: gridfactory.hh:51
FieldVector< ctype, dimensionworld > WorldVector
type of vector for world coordinates
Definition: gridfactory.hh:67
virtual unsigned int insertionIndex(const typename Codim< 0 >::Entity &entity) const
obtain an element's insertion index
Definition: gridfactory.hh:331
AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > Grid
type of grid this factory is for
Definition: gridfactory.hh:56
virtual void insertBoundaryProjection(const GeometryType &type, const std::vector< unsigned int > &vertices, const DuneProjection *projection)
insert a boundary projection into the macro grid
Definition: gridfactory.hh:172
FieldMatrix< ctype, dimensionworld, dimensionworld > WorldMatrix
type of matrix from world coordinates to world coordinates
Definition: gridfactory.hh:69
virtual void insertElement(const GeometryType &type, const std::vector< unsigned int > &vertices)
insert an element into the macro grid
Definition: gridfactory.hh:127
void markLongestEdge()
mark the longest edge as refinemet edge
Definition: gridfactory.hh:276
Grid::ctype ctype
type of (scalar) coordinates
Definition: gridfactory.hh:59
ToUniquePtr< Grid > createGrid()
finalize grid creation and hand over the grid
Definition: gridfactory.hh:293
virtual void insertVertex(const WorldVector &pos)
insert a vertex into the macro grid
Definition: gridfactory.hh:117
virtual void insertBoundary(int element, int face, int id)
mark a face as boundary (and assign a boundary id)
Definition: gridfactory.hh:154
Definition: gridfactory.hh:105
static void destroyGrid(Grid *grid)
destroy a grid previously obtain from this factory
Definition: gridfactory.hh:310
virtual unsigned int insertionIndex(const typename Codim< dimension >::Entity &entity) const
obtain a vertex' insertion index
Definition: gridfactory.hh:337
bool write(const std::string &filename)
write out the macro triangulation in native grid file format
Definition: gridfactory.hh:321
virtual void insertBoundarySegment(const std::vector< unsigned int > &vertices, const std::shared_ptr< BoundarySegment > &boundarySegment)
insert a shaped boundary segment into the macro grid
Definition: gridfactory.hh:228
virtual void insertBoundaryProjection(const DuneProjection *projection)
insert a global (boundary) projection into the macro grid
Definition: gridfactory.hh:204
virtual void insertBoundarySegment(const std::vector< unsigned int > &vertices)
insert a boundary segment into the macro grid
Definition: gridfactory.hh:217
Provide a generic factory class for unstructured grids.
Definition: gridfactory.hh:269
Default constructor.
Definition: gridfactory.hh:285
Grid abstract base class.
Definition: grid.hh:373
GridFamily::Traits::LeafIntersection LeafIntersection
A type that is a model of Dune::Intersection, an intersections of two codimension 1 of two codimensio...
Definition: grid.hh:460
@ dimensionworld
The dimension of the world the grid lives in.
Definition: grid.hh:393
@ dimension
The dimension of the grid.
Definition: grid.hh:387
An owning pointer wrapper that can be assigned to (smart) pointers. Cannot be copied....
Definition: to_unique_ptr.hh:37
Provide a generic factory class for unstructured grids.
decltype(auto) apply(F &&f, ArgTuple &&args)
Apply function with arguments given as tuple.
Definition: apply.hh:46
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:216
bool gt(const T &first, const T &second, typename EpsilonType< T >::Type epsilon)
test if first greater than second
Definition: float_cmp.cc:156
constexpr GeometryType simplex(unsigned int dim)
Returns a GeometryType representing a simplex of dimension dim.
Definition: type.hh:766
auto max(ADLTag< 0 >, const V &v1, const V &v2)
implements binary Simd::max()
Definition: defaults.hh:79
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:14
Base class for classes implementing geometries of boundary segments.
Definition: boundarysegment.hh:92
Static tag representing a codimension.
Definition: dimension.hh:22
Interface class for vertex projection at the boundary.
Definition: boundaryprojection.hh:31
static const ReferenceElement & simplex()
get simplex reference elements
Definition: referenceelements.hh:202
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