Dune Core Modules (2.6.0)

Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2 // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
4 #ifndef DUNE_UGGRID_HH
5 #define DUNE_UGGRID_HH
11 #include <memory>
13 #include <dune/common/classname.hh>
21 #include <dune/grid/common/grid.hh>
25 #ifdef ModelP
27 #endif
29 /* [Before reading the following: the macros UG_DIM_2 and UG_DIM_3 where named
30  * _2 and _3, respectively, up until ug-3.12.0.]
31  *
32  * The following lines including the necessary UG headers are somewhat
33  tricky. Here's what's happening:
34  UG can support two- and three-dimensional grids. You choose by setting
35  either UG_DIM_2 or UG_DIM_3 while compiling. This changes all sorts of stuff, in
36  particular data structures in the headers.
37  UG was never supposed to provide 2d and 3d grids at the same time.
38  However, when compiling it as c++, the dimension-dependent parts are
39  wrapped up cleanly in the namespaces UG::D2 and UG::D3, respectively. That
40  way it is possible to link together the UG lib for 2d and the one for 3d.
41  But we also need the headers twice! Once with UG_DIM_2 set and once with UG_DIM_3!
42  So here we go:*/
44 /* The following define tells the UG headers that we want access to a few
45  special fields, for example the extra index fields in the element data structures.
46  This define remains only for backwards compatibility with older version of UG.
47  All dune-uggrid versions since 2016-08-05 do not need this #define or the #undef
48  further below. */
49 #define FOR_DUNE
51 // Set UG's space-dimension flag to 2d
53 #define UG_DIM_2
54 #else
55 #define _2
56 #endif
57 // And include all necessary UG headers
58 #include "uggrid/ugincludes.hh"
60 // Wrap a few large UG macros by functions before they get undef'ed away.
61 // Here: The 2d-version of the macros
62 #define UG_DIM 2
63 #include "uggrid/ugwrapper.hh"
64 #undef UG_DIM
66 // UG defines a whole load of preprocessor macros. ug_undefs.hh undefines
67 // them all, so we don't get name clashes.
68 #include "uggrid/ug_undefs.hh"
70 #undef UG_DIM_2
71 #else
72 #undef _2
73 #endif
75 /* Now we're done with 2d, and we can do the whole thing over again for 3d */
77 /* All macros set by UG have been unset. This includes the macros that ensure
78  single inclusion of headers. We can thus include them again. However, we
79  only want to include those headers again that contain dimension-dependent stuff.
80  Therefore, we set a few single-inclusion defines manually before including
81  ugincludes.hh again.
82  */
83 #define UGTYPES_H
84 #define __HEAPS__
85 #define __UGENV__
86 #define __DEVICESH__
87 #ifdef ModelP
88 #define __PPIF__
89 #endif
92 #define UG_DIM_3
93 #else
94 #define _3
95 #endif
97 #include "uggrid/ugincludes.hh"
99 // Wrap a few large UG macros by functions before they get undef'ed away.
100 // This time it's the 3d-versions.
101 #define UG_DIM 3
102 #include "uggrid/ugwrapper.hh"
103 #undef UG_DIM
105 // undef all macros defined by UG
106 #include "uggrid/ug_undefs.hh"
109 #undef UG_DIM_3
110 #else
111 #undef _3
112 #endif
113 #undef FOR_DUNE
115 // The components of the UGGrid interface
116 #include "uggrid/uggridgeometry.hh"
117 #include "uggrid/uggridlocalgeometry.hh"
118 #include "uggrid/uggridentity.hh"
119 #include "uggrid/uggridentityseed.hh"
120 #include "uggrid/uggridintersections.hh"
121 #include "uggrid/uggridintersectioniterators.hh"
122 #include "uggrid/uggridleveliterator.hh"
123 #include "uggrid/uggridleafiterator.hh"
124 #include "uggrid/uggridhieriterator.hh"
125 #include "uggrid/uggridindexsets.hh"
126 #include <dune/grid/uggrid/uggridviews.hh>
127 #ifdef ModelP
128 #include "uggrid/ugmessagebuffer.hh"
129 #include "uggrid/uglbgatherscatter.hh"
130 #endif
132 // Not needed here, but included for user convenience
133 #include "uggrid/uggridfactory.hh"
135 #ifdef ModelP
136 template <class DataHandle, int GridDim, int codim>
137 DataHandle *Dune::UGMessageBufferBase<DataHandle,GridDim,codim>::duneDataHandle_ = 0;
139 template <class DataHandle, int GridDim, int codim>
140 int Dune::UGMessageBufferBase<DataHandle,GridDim,codim>::level = -1;
141 #endif // ModelP
143 namespace Dune {
145 #ifdef ModelP
146  template <int dim>
147  class CollectiveCommunication<Dune::UGGrid<dim> > :
148  public CollectiveCommunication< Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator >
149  {
150  typedef CollectiveCommunication< Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator > ParentType;
151  public:
153  : ParentType(MPIHelper::getCommunicator())
154  {}
155  };
156 #endif // ModelP
158  template<int dim>
159  struct UGGridFamily
160  {
161  typedef GridTraits<dim,dim,Dune::UGGrid<dim>,
162  UGGridGeometry,
163  UGGridEntity,
164  UGGridLevelIterator,
165  UGGridLeafIntersection,
166  UGGridLevelIntersection,
167  UGGridLeafIntersectionIterator,
168  UGGridLevelIntersectionIterator,
169  UGGridHierarchicIterator,
170  UGGridLeafIterator,
171  UGGridLevelIndexSet< const UGGrid<dim> >,
172  UGGridLeafIndexSet< const UGGrid<dim> >,
173  UGGridIdSet< const UGGrid<dim> >,
174  typename UG_NS<dim>::UG_ID_TYPE,
175  UGGridIdSet< const UGGrid<dim> >,
176  typename UG_NS<dim>::UG_ID_TYPE,
177  CollectiveCommunication<Dune::UGGrid<dim> >,
178  UGGridLevelGridViewTraits,
179  UGGridLeafGridViewTraits,
180  UGGridEntitySeed,
181  UGGridLocalGeometry>
182  Traits;
183  };
186  //**********************************************************************
187  //
188  // --UGGrid
189  //
190  //**********************************************************************
229  template <int dim>
230  class UGGrid : public GridDefaultImplementation <dim, dim, double, UGGridFamily<dim> >
231  {
234  friend class UGGridGeometry<0,dim,const UGGrid<dim> >;
235  friend class UGGridGeometry<dim,dim,const UGGrid<dim> >;
236  friend class UGGridGeometry<1,2,const UGGrid<dim> >;
237  friend class UGGridGeometry<2,3,const UGGrid<dim> >;
239  friend class UGGridEntity <0,dim,const UGGrid<dim> >;
240  friend class UGGridEntity <dim,dim,const UGGrid<dim> >;
241  friend class UGGridHierarchicIterator<const UGGrid<dim> >;
242  friend class UGGridLeafIntersection<const UGGrid<dim> >;
243  friend class UGGridLevelIntersection<const UGGrid<dim> >;
244  friend class UGGridLeafIntersectionIterator<const UGGrid<dim> >;
245  friend class UGGridLevelIntersectionIterator<const UGGrid<dim> >;
247  friend class UGGridLevelIndexSet<const UGGrid<dim> >;
248  friend class UGGridLeafIndexSet<const UGGrid<dim> >;
249  friend class UGGridIdSet<const UGGrid<dim> >;
250  template <class GridImp_>
251  friend class UGGridLeafGridView;
252  template <class GridImp_>
253  friend class UGGridLevelGridView;
255  friend class GridFactory<UGGrid<dim> >;
257 #ifdef ModelP
258  friend class UGLBGatherScatter;
259 #endif
261  template <int codim_, PartitionIteratorType PiType_, class GridImp_>
262  friend class UGGridLeafIterator;
263  template <int codim_, PartitionIteratorType PiType_, class GridImp_>
264  friend class UGGridLevelIterator;
267  static_assert(dim==2 || dim==3, "Use UGGrid only for 2d and 3d!");
269  // The different instantiations are mutual friends so they can access
270  // each others numOfUGGrids field
271  friend class UGGrid<2>;
272  friend class UGGrid<3>;
274  //**********************************************************
275  // The Interface Methods
276  //**********************************************************
277  public:
279  typedef UGGridFamily<dim> GridFamily;
281  // the Traits
282  typedef typename UGGridFamily<dim>::Traits Traits;
285  typedef UG::DOUBLE ctype;
288  typedef unsigned int Rank;
298  ~UGGrid() noexcept(false);
302  int maxLevel() const;
305  template <typename Seed>
306  typename Traits::template Codim<Seed::codimension>::Entity
307  entity(const Seed& seed) const
308  {
309  const int codim = Seed::codimension;
310  return typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::Entity(UGGridEntity<codim,dim,const UGGrid<dim> >(this->getRealImplementation(seed).target(),this));
311  }
315  int size (int level, int codim) const;
318  int size (int codim) const
319  {
320  return leafIndexSet().size(codim);
321  }
324  int size (int level, GeometryType type) const
325  {
326  return this->levelIndexSet(level).size(type);
327  }
330  int size (GeometryType type) const
331  {
332  return this->leafIndexSet().size(type);
333  }
336  size_t numBoundarySegments() const {
337  // The number is stored as a member of UGGrid upon grid creation.
338  // The corresponding data structure is not exported by UG. (It is in ug/dom/std/std_internal.h)
339  return numBoundarySegments_;
340  }
343  const typename Traits::GlobalIdSet& globalIdSet() const
344  {
345  return idSet_;
346  }
349  const typename Traits::LocalIdSet& localIdSet() const
350  {
351  return idSet_;
352  }
355  const typename Traits::LevelIndexSet& levelIndexSet(int level) const
356  {
357  if (level<0 || level>maxLevel())
358  DUNE_THROW(GridError, "levelIndexSet of nonexisting level " << level << " requested!");
359  return *levelIndexSets_[level];
360  }
363  const typename Traits::LeafIndexSet& leafIndexSet() const
364  {
365  return leafIndexSet_;
366  }
383  bool mark(int refCount, const typename Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity & e );
440  bool mark(const typename Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity & e,
441  typename UG_NS<dim>::RefinementRule rule,
442  int side=0);
445  int getMark(const typename Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity& e) const;
449  bool preAdapt();
452  bool adapt();
455  void postAdapt();
465  template<class DataHandle>
466  bool loadBalance (DataHandle& dataHandle)
467  {
468 #ifdef ModelP
469  // gather element data
470  if (dataHandle.contains(dim, 0))
471  UGLBGatherScatter::template gather<0>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
473  // gather node data
474  if (dataHandle.contains(dim,dim))
475  UGLBGatherScatter::template gather<dim>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
476 #endif
478  // the load balancing step now also attaches
479  // the data to the entities and distributes it
480  loadBalance();
482 #ifdef ModelP
483  // scatter element data
484  if (dataHandle.contains(dim, 0))
485  UGLBGatherScatter::template scatter<0>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
487  // scatter node data
488  if (dataHandle.contains(dim,dim))
489  UGLBGatherScatter::template scatter<dim>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
490 #endif
492  return true;
493  }
501  bool loadBalance(int minlevel=0);
533  bool loadBalance(const std::vector<Rank>& targetProcessors, unsigned int fromLevel);
544  template<class DataHandle>
545  bool loadBalance (const std::vector<Rank>& targetProcessors, unsigned int fromLevel, DataHandle& dataHandle)
546  {
547 #ifdef ModelP
548  // gather element data
549  // UGLBGatherScatter::template gather<0>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
551  // gather node data
552  UGLBGatherScatter::template gather<dim>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
553 #endif
555  // the load balancing step now also attaches
556  // the data to the entities and distributes it
557  loadBalance(targetProcessors,fromLevel);
559 #ifdef ModelP
560  // scatter element data
561  // UGLBGatherScatter::template scatter<0>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
563  // scatter node data
564  UGLBGatherScatter::template scatter<dim>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
565 #endif
567  return true;
568  }
572  {
573  return ccobj_;
574  }
576  protected:
577 #ifdef ModelP
578  template <class GridView, class DataHandle, int codim>
579  void communicateUG_(const GridView& gv, int level,
580  DataHandle &dataHandle,
581  InterfaceType iftype,
582  CommunicationDirection dir) const
583  {
584  typename UG_NS<dim>::DDD_IF_DIR ugIfDir;
585  // Translate the communication direction from Dune-Speak to UG-Speak
586  if (dir==ForwardCommunication)
587  ugIfDir = UG_NS<dim>::IF_FORWARD();
588  else
589  ugIfDir = UG_NS<dim>::IF_BACKWARD();
591  typedef UGMessageBuffer<DataHandle,dim,codim> UGMsgBuf;
592  UGMsgBuf::duneDataHandle_ = &dataHandle;
594  UGMsgBuf::level = level;
596  std::vector<typename UG_NS<dim>::DDD_IF> ugIfs;
597  findDDDInterfaces_(ugIfs, iftype, codim);
599  unsigned bufSize = UGMsgBuf::ugBufferSize_(gv);
600  if (!bufSize)
601  return; // we don't need to communicate if we don't have any data!
602  for (unsigned i=0; i < ugIfs.size(); ++i)
603  UG_NS<dim>::DDD_IFOneway(ugIfs[i],
604  ugIfDir,
605  bufSize,
606  &UGMsgBuf::ugGather_,
607  &UGMsgBuf::ugScatter_);
608  }
610  void findDDDInterfaces_(std::vector<typename UG_NS<dim>::DDD_IF > &dddIfaces,
611  InterfaceType iftype,
612  int codim) const
613  {
614  dddIfaces.clear();
615  if (codim == 0)
616  {
617  switch (iftype) {
619  // do not communicate anything: Elements can not be in
620  // the interior of two processes at the same time
621  return;
623  // The communicated elements are in the sender's
624  // interior and it does not matter what they are for
625  // the receiver
626  dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::ElementVHIF());
627  return;
628  case All_All_Interface :
629  // It does neither matter what the communicated
630  // elements are for sender nor for the receiver. If
631  // they are seen by these two processes, data is send
632  // and received.
633  dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::ElementSymmVHIF());
634  return;
635  default :
636  DUNE_THROW(GridError,
637  "Element communication not supported for "
638  "interfaces of type "
639  << iftype);
640  }
641  }
642  else if (codim == dim)
643  {
644  switch (iftype)
645  {
647  dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::BorderNodeSymmIF());
648  return;
650  dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::BorderNodeSymmIF());
651  dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::NodeIF());
652  return;
653  case All_All_Interface :
654  dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::NodeAllIF());
655  return;
656  default :
657  DUNE_THROW(GridError,
658  "Node communication not supported for "
659  "interfaces of type "
660  << iftype);
661  }
662  }
663  else if (codim == dim-1)
664  {
665  switch (iftype)
666  {
668  dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::BorderEdgeSymmIF());
669  return;
671  dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::BorderEdgeSymmIF());
672  // Is the following line needed or not?
673  // dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::EdgeIF());
674  return;
675  case All_All_Interface :
676  dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::EdgeSymmVHIF());
677  return;
678  default :
679  DUNE_THROW(GridError,
680  "Edge communication not supported for "
681  "interfaces of type "
682  << iftype);
683  }
684  }
685  else if (codim == 1)
686  {
687  switch (iftype)
688  {
691  dddIfaces.push_back(UG_NS<dim>::BorderVectorSymmIF());
692  return;
693  default :
694  DUNE_THROW(GridError,
695  "Face communication not supported for "
696  "interfaces of type "
697  << iftype);
698  }
699  }
700  else
701  {
702  DUNE_THROW(GridError,
703  "Communication for codim "
704  << codim
705  << " entities is not yet supported "
706  << " by the DUNE UGGrid interface!");
707  }
708  };
709 #endif // ModelP
711  public:
712  // **********************************************************
713  // End of Interface Methods
714  // **********************************************************
723  void getChildrenOfSubface(const typename Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity & e,
724  int elementSide,
725  int maxl,
726  std::vector<typename Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity>& childElements,
727  std::vector<unsigned char>& childElementSides) const;
734  COPY
735  };
738  enum ClosureType {
742  NONE
743  };
747  refinementType_ = type;
748  }
752  closureType_ = type;
753  }
761  static void setDefaultHeapSize(unsigned size) {
762  heapSize_ = size;
763  }
768  void setPosition(const typename Traits::template Codim<dim>::Entity& e,
769  const FieldVector<double, dim>& pos);
775  void globalRefine(int n);
781  void saveState(const std::string& filename) const;
787  void loadState(const std::string& filename);
789  private:
791  typename UG_NS<dim>::MultiGrid* multigrid_;
801  void setIndices(bool setLevelZero,
802  std::vector<unsigned int>* nodePermutation);
804  // Each UGGrid object has a unique name to identify it in the
805  // UG environment structure
806  std::string name_;
808  // Our set of level indices
809  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<UGGridLevelIndexSet<const UGGrid<dim> > > > levelIndexSets_;
811  UGGridLeafIndexSet<const UGGrid<dim> > leafIndexSet_;
813  // One id set implementation
814  // Used for both the local and the global UGGrid id sets
815  UGGridIdSet<const UGGrid<dim> > idSet_;
818  RefinementType refinementType_;
821  ClosureType closureType_;
830  static int numOfUGGrids;
837  bool someElementHasBeenMarkedForRefinement_;
844  bool someElementHasBeenMarkedForCoarsening_;
850  static unsigned int heapSize_;
853  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BoundarySegment<dim> > > boundarySegments_;
860  unsigned int numBoundarySegments_;
862  }; // end Class UGGrid
864  namespace Capabilities
865  {
881  template<int dim>
882  struct hasEntity< UGGrid<dim>, 0>
883  {
884  static const bool v = true;
885  };
890  template<int dim>
891  struct hasEntity< UGGrid<dim>, dim>
892  {
893  static const bool v = true;
894  };
900  template<int dim>
901  struct hasEntityIterator<UGGrid<dim>, 0>
902  {
903  static const bool v = true;
904  };
910  template<int dim>
911  struct hasEntityIterator<UGGrid<dim>, dim>
912  {
913  static const bool v = true;
914  };
919  template<int dim>
921  {
922  static const bool v = true;
923  };
928  template<int dim>
930  {
931  static const bool v = false;
932  };
934  }
936 } // namespace Dune
938 #endif // HAVE_UG || DOXYGEN
939 #endif // DUNE_UGGRID_HH
Base class for grid boundary segments of arbitrary geometry.
Construct default object.
Definition: collectivecommunication.hh:83
Wrapper class for entities.
Definition: entity.hh:64
vector space out of a tensor product of fields.
Definition: fvector.hh:93
Unique label for each type of entities that can occur in DUNE grids.
Definition: type.hh:277
Definition: grid.hh:855
static std::conditional< std::is_reference< InterfaceType >::value, typename std::add_lvalue_reference< typename ReturnImplementationType< typename std::remove_reference< InterfaceType >::type >::ImplementationType >::type, typename std::remove_const< typename ReturnImplementationType< typename std::remove_reference< InterfaceType >::type >::ImplementationType >::type >::type getRealImplementation(InterfaceType &&i)
return real implementation of interface class
Definition: grid.hh:1026
Traits::LeafGridView leafGridView() const
View for the leaf grid for All_Partition.
Definition: grid.hh:875
bool loadBalance()
default implementation of load balance does nothing and returns false
Definition: grid.hh:941
Base class for exceptions in Dune grid modules.
Definition: exceptions.hh:18
Provide a generic factory class for unstructured grids.
Definition: gridfactory.hh:263
Grid view abstract base class.
Definition: gridview.hh:60
GridFamily::Traits::CollectiveCommunication CollectiveCommunication
A type that is a model of Dune::CollectiveCommunication. It provides a portable way for collective co...
Definition: grid.hh:519
Id Set Interface.
Definition: indexidset.hh:441
Index Set Interface base class.
Definition: indexidset.hh:76
IndexType size(GeometryType type) const
Return total number of entities of given geometry type in entity set .
Definition: indexidset.hh:220
Front-end for the grid manager of the finite element toolbox UG.
Definition: uggrid.hh:231
void postAdapt()
Clean up refinement markers.
size_t numBoundarySegments() const
Return the number of boundary segments.
Definition: uggrid.hh:336
void setRefinementType(RefinementType type)
Sets the type of grid refinement.
Definition: uggrid.hh:746
int getMark(const typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity &e) const
Query whether element is marked for refinement.
bool mark(int refCount, const typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity &e)
Mark element for refinement.
bool loadBalance(int minlevel=0)
Distributes this grid over the available nodes in a distributed machine.
Default constructor.
~UGGrid() noexcept(false)
const CollectiveCommunication< UGGrid > & comm() const
Definition: uggrid.hh:571
bool loadBalance(const std::vector< Rank > &targetProcessors, unsigned int fromLevel, DataHandle &dataHandle)
Distributes the grid over the processes of a parallel machine, and sends data along with it.
Definition: uggrid.hh:545
void getChildrenOfSubface(const typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity &e, int elementSide, int maxl, std::vector< typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity > &childElements, std::vector< unsigned char > &childElementSides) const
Rudimentary substitute for a hierarchic iterator on faces.
UGGridFamily< dim > GridFamily
type of the used GridFamily for this grid
Definition: uggrid.hh:279
bool loadBalance(const std::vector< Rank > &targetProcessors, unsigned int fromLevel)
Distribute this grid over a distributed machine.
bool mark(const typename Traits::template Codim< 0 >::Entity &e, typename UG_NS< dim >::RefinementRule rule, int side=0)
Mark method accepting a UG refinement rule.
int maxLevel() const
void setClosureType(ClosureType type)
Sets the type of grid refinement closure.
Definition: uggrid.hh:751
const Traits::GlobalIdSet & globalIdSet() const
Access to the GlobalIdSet.
Definition: uggrid.hh:343
int size(int level, GeometryType type) const
number of entities per level and geometry type in this process
Definition: uggrid.hh:324
The different forms of grid refinement that UG supports.
Definition: uggrid.hh:730
New level consists of the refined elements and the unrefined ones, too.
Definition: uggrid.hh:734
New level consists only of the refined elements and the closure.
Definition: uggrid.hh:732
int size(GeometryType type) const
number of leaf entities per geometry type in this process
Definition: uggrid.hh:330
void setPosition(const typename Traits::template Codim< dim >::Entity &e, const FieldVector< double, dim > &pos)
Sets a vertex to a new position.
int size(int level, int codim) const
Number of grid entities per level and codim.
UG::DOUBLE ctype
The type used to store coordinates.
Definition: uggrid.hh:285
const Traits::LocalIdSet & localIdSet() const
Access to the LocalIdSet.
Definition: uggrid.hh:349
bool adapt()
Triggers the grid refinement process.
const Traits::LevelIndexSet & levelIndexSet(int level) const
Access to the LevelIndexSets.
Definition: uggrid.hh:355
void loadState(const std::string &filename)
Read entire grid hierarchy from disk.
bool loadBalance(DataHandle &dataHandle)
Distributes the grid and some data over the available nodes in a distributed machine.
Definition: uggrid.hh:466
Traits::template Codim< Seed::codimension >::Entity entity(const Seed &seed) const
Create an Entity from an EntitySeed.
Definition: uggrid.hh:307
const Traits::LeafIndexSet & leafIndexSet() const
Access to the LeafIndexSet.
Definition: uggrid.hh:363
unsigned int Rank
The type used for process ranks.
Definition: uggrid.hh:288
void saveState(const std::string &filename) const
Save entire grid hierarchy to disk.
bool preAdapt()
returns true, if some elements might be coarsend during grid adaption, here always returns true
void globalRefine(int n)
Does uniform refinement.
Decide whether to add a green closure to locally refined grid sections or not.
Definition: uggrid.hh:738
Standard red/green refinement.
Definition: uggrid.hh:740
No closure, results in nonconforming meshes.
Definition: uggrid.hh:742
int size(int codim) const
number of leaf entities per codim in this process
Definition: uggrid.hh:318
static void setDefaultHeapSize(unsigned size)
Sets the default heap size.
Definition: uggrid.hh:761
A free function to provide the demangled class name of a given object or type as a string.
Implements an utility class that provides collective communication methods for sequential programs.
A set of traits classes to store static information about grid implementation.
Different resources needed by all grid implementations.
Definition of the DUNE_DEPRECATED macro for the case that config.h is not available.
A few common exception classes.
#define DUNE_THROW(E, m)
Definition: exceptions.hh:216
Define a type for communication direction parameter.
Definition: gridenums.hh:168
Parameter to be used for the communication functions.
Definition: gridenums.hh:84
@ ForwardCommunication
communicate as given in InterfaceType
Definition: gridenums.hh:169
@ InteriorBorder_All_Interface
send interior and border, receive all entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:86
@ All_All_Interface
send all and receive all entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:89
@ InteriorBorder_InteriorBorder_Interface
send/receive interior and border entities
Definition: gridenums.hh:85
Implements an utility class that provides MPI's collective communication methods.
Helpers for dealing with MPI.
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignedallocator.hh:10
specialize with 'true' for all codims that a grid provides an iterator for (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:72
Specialize with 'true' for all codims that a grid implements entities for. (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:56
Specialize with 'true' if implementation guarantees a conforming leaf grid. (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:113
Specialize with 'true' if implementation guarantees conforming level grids. (default=false)
Definition: capabilities.hh:104
Static tag representing a codimension.
Definition: dimension.hh:22
A traits struct that collects all associated types of one grid model.
Definition: grid.hh:1064
The specialization of the generic GridFactory for UGGrid.
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