Dune Core Modules (2.5.0)

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1 // -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2 // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
6 #include <tuple>
9 #include"amg.hh"
10 #include"galerkin.hh"
11 #include<dune/istl/solver.hh>
13 #include<dune/common/unused.hh>
22 namespace Dune
23 {
24 namespace Amg
25 {
36 template<class FO, class CO>
38 {
39 public:
44  typedef FO FineOperatorType;
48  typedef typename FineOperatorType::range_type FineRangeType;
52  typedef typename FineOperatorType::domain_type FineDomainType;
57  typedef CO CoarseOperatorType;
61  typedef typename CoarseOperatorType::range_type CoarseRangeType;
65  typedef typename CoarseOperatorType::domain_type CoarseDomainType;
70  std::shared_ptr<CoarseOperatorType>& getCoarseLevelOperator()
71  {
72  return operator_;
73  }
79  {
80  return rhs_;
81  }
88  {
89  return lhs_;
90  }
100  virtual void moveToCoarseLevel(const FineRangeType& fineRhs)=0;
110  virtual void moveToFineLevel(FineDomainType& fineLhs)=0;
118  virtual void createCoarseLevelSystem(const FineOperatorType& fineOperator)=0;
121  virtual LevelTransferPolicy* clone() const =0;
126  protected:
132  std::shared_ptr<CoarseOperatorType> operator_;
133 };
140 template<class O, class C>
142  : public LevelTransferPolicy<O,O>
143 {
145 public:
147  typedef C Criterion;
148  typedef SequentialInformation ParallelInformation;
150  AggregationLevelTransferPolicy(const Criterion& crit)
151  : criterion_(crit)
152  {}
154  void createCoarseLevelSystem(const O& fineOperator)
155  {
156  prolongDamp_ = criterion_.getProlongationDampingFactor();
157  GalerkinProduct<ParallelInformation> productBuilder;
161  MatrixGraph mg(fineOperator.getmat());
165  aggregatesMap_.reset(new AggregatesMap(pg.maxVertex()+1));
167  int noAggregates, isoAggregates, oneAggregates, skippedAggregates;
169  std::tie(noAggregates, isoAggregates, oneAggregates, skippedAggregates) =
170  aggregatesMap_->buildAggregates(fineOperator.getmat(), pg, criterion_, true);
171  std::cout<<"no aggregates="<<noAggregates<<" iso="<<isoAggregates<<" one="<<oneAggregates<<" skipped="<<skippedAggregates<<std::endl;
172  // misuse coarsener to renumber aggregates
173  Dune::Amg::IndicesCoarsener<Dune::Amg::SequentialInformation,int> renumberer;
174  typedef std::vector<bool>::iterator Iterator;
176  std::vector<bool> excluded(fineOperator.getmat().N(), false);
177  VisitedMap vm(excluded.begin(), Dune::IdentityMap());
178  ParallelInformation pinfo;
179  std::size_t aggregates = renumberer.coarsen(pinfo, pg, vm,
180  *aggregatesMap_, pinfo,
181  noAggregates);
182  std::vector<bool>& visited=excluded;
184  typedef std::vector<bool>::iterator Iterator;
186  for(Iterator iter= visited.begin(), end=visited.end();
187  iter != end; ++iter)
188  *iter=false;
189  matrix_.reset(productBuilder.build(mg, vm,
190  SequentialInformation(),
191  *aggregatesMap_,
192  aggregates,
193  OverlapFlags()));
194  productBuilder.calculate(fineOperator.getmat(), *aggregatesMap_, *matrix_, pinfo, OverlapFlags());
195  this->lhs_.resize(this->matrix_->M());
196  this->rhs_.resize(this->matrix_->N());
197  this->operator_.reset(new O(*matrix_));
198  }
200  void moveToCoarseLevel(const typename FatherType::FineRangeType& fineRhs)
201  {
202  Transfer<std::size_t,typename FatherType::FineRangeType,ParallelInformation>
203  ::restrictVector(*aggregatesMap_, this->rhs_, fineRhs, ParallelInformation());
204  this->lhs_=0;
205  }
208  {
209  Transfer<std::size_t,typename FatherType::FineRangeType,ParallelInformation>
210  ::prolongateVector(*aggregatesMap_, this->lhs_, fineLhs,
211  prolongDamp_, ParallelInformation());
212  }
215  {
216  return new AggregationLevelTransferPolicy(*this);
217  }
219 private:
220  typename O::matrix_type::field_type prolongDamp_;
221  std::shared_ptr<AggregatesMap> aggregatesMap_;
222  Criterion criterion_;
223  std::shared_ptr<typename O::matrix_type> matrix_;
224 };
232 template<class O, class S, class C>
234 {
235 public:
237  typedef O Operator;
239  typedef typename O::range_type X;
241  typedef C Criterion;
243  typedef S Smoother;
254  : smootherArgs_(args), criterion_(c)
255  {}
258  : coarseOperator_(other.coarseOperator_), smootherArgs_(other.smootherArgs_),
259  criterion_(other.criterion_)
260  {}
261 private:
268  struct AMGInverseOperator : public InverseOperator<X,X>
269  {
270  AMGInverseOperator(const typename AMGType::Operator& op,
271  const Criterion& crit,
272  const typename AMGType::SmootherArgs& args)
273  : amg_(op, crit,args), first_(true)
274  {}
276  void apply(X& x, X& b, double reduction, InverseOperatorResult& res)
277  {
278  DUNE_UNUSED_PARAMETER(reduction);
280  if(first_)
281  {
282  amg_.pre(x,b);
283  first_=false;
284  x_=x;
285  }
286  amg_.apply(x,b);
287  }
289  void apply(X& x, X& b, InverseOperatorResult& res)
290  {
291  return apply(x,b,1e-8,res);
292  }
294  ~AMGInverseOperator()
295  {
296  if(!first_)
297  amg_.post(x_);
298  }
299  AMGInverseOperator(const AMGInverseOperator& other)
300  : x_(other.x_), amg_(other.amg_), first_(other.first_)
301  {
302  }
303  private:
304  X x_;
305  AMGType amg_;
306  bool first_;
307  };
309 public:
311  typedef AMGInverseOperator CoarseLevelSolver;
320  template<class P>
322  {
323  coarseOperator_=transferPolicy.getCoarseLevelOperator();
324  AMGInverseOperator* inv = new AMGInverseOperator(*coarseOperator_,
325  criterion_,
326  smootherArgs_);
328  return inv; //std::shared_ptr<InverseOperator<X,X> >(inv);
330  }
332 private:
334  std::shared_ptr<Operator> coarseOperator_;
336  SmootherArgs smootherArgs_;
338  Criterion criterion_;
339 };
346 template<class FO, class CSP, class S>
348  public Preconditioner<typename FO::domain_type, typename FO::range_type>
349 {
350 public:
354  typedef typename CoarseLevelSolverPolicy::CoarseLevelSolver CoarseLevelSolver;
359  typedef FO FineOperatorType;
363  typedef typename FineOperatorType::range_type FineRangeType;
367  typedef typename FineOperatorType::domain_type FineDomainType;
372  typedef typename CSP::Operator CoarseOperatorType;
376  typedef typename CoarseOperatorType::range_type CoarseRangeType;
380  typedef typename CoarseOperatorType::domain_type CoarseDomainType;
384  typedef S SmootherType;
385  // define the category
386  enum {
389  };
406  std::shared_ptr<SmootherType> smoother,
408  CoarseOperatorType>& policy,
409  CoarseLevelSolverPolicy& coarsePolicy,
410  std::size_t preSteps=1, std::size_t postSteps=1)
411  : operator_(&op), smoother_(smoother),
412  preSteps_(preSteps), postSteps_(postSteps)
413  {
414  policy_ = policy.clone();
415  policy_->createCoarseLevelSystem(*operator_);
416  coarseSolver_=coarsePolicy.createCoarseLevelSolver(*policy_);
417  }
419  TwoLevelMethod(const TwoLevelMethod& other)
420  : operator_(other.operator_), coarseSolver_(new CoarseLevelSolver(*other.coarseSolver_)),
421  smoother_(other.smoother_), policy_(other.policy_->clone()),
422  preSteps_(other.preSteps_), postSteps_(other.postSteps_)
423  {}
425  ~TwoLevelMethod()
426  {
427  // Each instance has its own policy.
428  delete policy_;
429  delete coarseSolver_;
430  }
432  void pre(FineDomainType& x, FineRangeType& b)
433  {
434  smoother_->pre(x,b);
435  }
437  void post(FineDomainType& x)
438  {
440  }
442  void apply(FineDomainType& v, const FineRangeType& d)
443  {
444  FineDomainType u(v);
445  FineRangeType rhs(d);
446  LevelContext context;
447  SequentialInformation info;
448  context.pinfo=&info;
449  context.lhs=&u;
450  context.update=&v;
451  context.smoother=smoother_;
452  context.rhs=&rhs;
453  context.matrix=operator_;
454  // Presmoothing
455  presmooth(context, preSteps_);
456  //Coarse grid correction
457  policy_->moveToCoarseLevel(*context.rhs);
458  InverseOperatorResult res;
459  coarseSolver_->apply(policy_->getCoarseLevelLhs(), policy_->getCoarseLevelRhs(), res);
460  *context.lhs=0;
461  policy_->moveToFineLevel(*context.lhs);
462  *context.update += *context.lhs;
463  // Postsmoothing
464  postsmooth(context, postSteps_);
466  }
468 private:
472  struct LevelContext
473  {
475  typedef S SmootherType;
477  std::shared_ptr<SmootherType> smoother;
479  FineDomainType* lhs;
480  /*
481  * @brief The right hand side holding the current residual.
482  *
483  * This is passed to the smoother as the right hand side.
484  */
485  FineRangeType* rhs;
491  FineDomainType* update;
493  SequentialInformation* pinfo;
499  const FineOperatorType* matrix;
500  };
501  const FineOperatorType* operator_;
503  CoarseLevelSolver* coarseSolver_;
505  std::shared_ptr<S> smoother_;
507  LevelTransferPolicy<FO,typename CSP::Operator>* policy_;
509  std::size_t preSteps_;
511  std::size_t postSteps_;
512 };
513 }// end namespace Amg
514 }// end namespace Dune
517 #endif
The AMG preconditioner.
Class providing information about the mapping of the vertices onto aggregates.
Definition: aggregates.hh:543
A LeveTransferPolicy that used aggregation to construct the coarse level system.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:143
AggregationLevelTransferPolicy * clone() const
Clone the current object.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:214
void moveToFineLevel(typename FatherType::FineDomainType &fineLhs)
Updates the fine level linear system after the correction of the coarse levels system.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:207
void createCoarseLevelSystem(const O &fineOperator)
Algebraically creates the coarse level system.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:154
Class representing the properties of an ede in the matrix graph.
Definition: dependency.hh:38
Abstract base class for transfer between levels and creation of the coarse level system.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:38
CO CoarseOperatorType
The linear operator of the finel level system. Has to be derived from AssembledLinearOperator.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:57
virtual void moveToCoarseLevel(const FineRangeType &fineRhs)=0
Transfers the data to the coarse level.
FineOperatorType::range_type FineRangeType
The type of the range of the fine level operator.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:48
virtual void createCoarseLevelSystem(const FineOperatorType &fineOperator)=0
Algebraically creates the coarse level system.
CoarseOperatorType::range_type CoarseRangeType
The type of the range of the coarse level operator.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:61
CoarseRangeType & getCoarseLevelRhs()
Get the coarse level right hand side.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:78
virtual ~LevelTransferPolicy()
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:124
CoarseDomainType lhs_
The coarse level lhs.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:130
std::shared_ptr< CoarseOperatorType > operator_
the coarse level linear operator.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:132
CoarseRangeType rhs_
The coarse level rhs.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:128
std::shared_ptr< CoarseOperatorType > & getCoarseLevelOperator()
Get the coarse level operator.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:70
virtual void moveToFineLevel(FineDomainType &fineLhs)=0
Updates the fine level linear system after the correction of the coarse levels system.
FO FineOperatorType
The linear operator of the finel level system. Has to be derived from AssembledLinearOperator.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:44
CoarseOperatorType::domain_type CoarseDomainType
The type of the domain of the coarse level operator.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:65
CoarseDomainType & getCoarseLevelLhs()
Get the coarse level left hand side.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:87
virtual LevelTransferPolicy * clone() const =0
Clone the current object.
FineOperatorType::domain_type FineDomainType
The type of the domain of the fine level operator.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:52
The (undirected) graph of a matrix.
Definition: graph.hh:49
A policy class for solving the coarse level system using one step of AMG.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:234
OneStepAMGCoarseSolverPolicy(const SmootherArgs &args, const Criterion &c)
Constructs the coarse solver policy.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:253
AMGInverseOperator CoarseLevelSolver
The type of solver constructed for the coarse level.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:311
OneStepAMGCoarseSolverPolicy(const OneStepAMGCoarseSolverPolicy &other)
Copy constructor.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:257
O::range_type X
The type of the range and domain of the operator.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:239
C Criterion
The type of the crition used for the aggregation within AMG.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:241
Dune::Amg::SmootherTraits< S >::Arguments SmootherArgs
The type of the arguments used for constructing the smoother.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:245
O Operator
The type of the linear operator used.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:237
CoarseLevelSolver * createCoarseLevelSolver(P &transferPolicy)
Constructs a coarse level solver.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:321
AMG< Operator, X, Smoother > AMGType
The type of the AMG construct on the coarse level.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:247
S Smoother
The type of the smoother used in AMG.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:243
Attaches properties to the edges and vertices of a graph.
Definition: graph.hh:976
VertexDescriptor maxVertex() const
Get the maximal vertex descriptor.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:349
CoarseOperatorType::range_type CoarseRangeType
The type of the range of the coarse level operator.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:376
FineOperatorType::domain_type FineDomainType
The type of the domain of the fine level operator.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:367
FO FineOperatorType
The linear operator of the finel level system. Has to be derived from AssembledLinearOperator.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:359
CoarseLevelSolverPolicy::CoarseLevelSolver CoarseLevelSolver
The type of the coarse level solver.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:354
CSP CoarseLevelSolverPolicy
The type of the policy for constructing the coarse level solver.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:352
CoarseOperatorType::domain_type CoarseDomainType
The type of the domain of the coarse level operator.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:380
@ category
The category the preconditioner is part of.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:388
TwoLevelMethod(const FineOperatorType &op, std::shared_ptr< SmootherType > smoother, const LevelTransferPolicy< FineOperatorType, CoarseOperatorType > &policy, CoarseLevelSolverPolicy &coarsePolicy, std::size_t preSteps=1, std::size_t postSteps=1)
Constructs a two level method.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:405
FineOperatorType::range_type FineRangeType
The type of the range of the fine level operator.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:363
CSP::Operator CoarseOperatorType
The linear operator of the finel level system. Has to be derived from AssembledLinearOperator.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:372
S SmootherType
The type of the fine level smoother.
Definition: twolevelmethod.hh:384
Class representing a node in the matrix graph.
Definition: dependency.hh:125
Abstract base class for all solvers.
Definition: solver.hh:79
virtual void apply(X &x, X &b, InverseOperatorResult &res)=0
Apply inverse operator,.
Adapter to turn a random access iterator into a property map.
Definition: propertymap.hh:106
The negation of a set. An item is contained in the set if and only if it is not contained in the nega...
Definition: enumset.hh:95
Base class for matrix free definition of preconditioners.
Definition: preconditioner.hh:26
Provides a class for building the galerkin product based on a aggregation scheme.
SmootherTraits< Smoother >::Arguments SmootherArgs
The argument type for the construction of the smoother.
Definition: amg.hh:91
Operator Operator
The matrix operator type.
Definition: amg.hh:64
void presmooth(LevelContext &levelContext, size_t steps)
Apply pre smoothing on the current level.
Definition: smoother.hh:408
void postsmooth(LevelContext &levelContext, size_t steps)
Apply post smoothing on the current level.
Definition: smoother.hh:430
Dune namespace.
Definition: alignment.hh:11
Define general, extensible interface for operators. The available implementation wraps a matrix.
Define general, extensible interface for inverse operators.
The default class for the smoother arguments.
Definition: smoother.hh:36
A property map that applies the identity function to integers.
Definition: propertymap.hh:291
Statistics about the application of an inverse operator.
Definition: solver.hh:32
@ sequential
Category for sequential solvers.
Definition: solvercategory.hh:21
Definition of the DUNE_UNUSED macro for the case that config.h is not available.
A macro to mark intentionally unused function parameters with.
Definition: unused.hh:18
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