CHANGELOG dune-istl 2.10.0

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Release 2.10

  • Improve testing support on Laplacian matrices with an optional diagonal regularization parameter.

  • Base the implementation of VariableBlockVector on std::vector as the storage type. Note that this prevents from using bool as block type that was possible before.

  • A method BCRSMatrix::setIndicesNoSort() was added. Similar to BCRSMatrix::setIndices() this allows to insert all indices of a row at once, but - incontrast to the latter - does not sort them. This allows to speed up insertion if indices are already sorted.

  • UMFPACK is extended to arbitrary blocked matrix structures. This includes MultiTypeBlockMatrix. The external interface is unchanged. However, internally the BCCSMatrixInitializer is replaced by direct calls of flatMatrixForEach similar to Cholmod. This requires a compatible vector field of “ignored” degrees of freedom. The method setSubMatrix with a top-level index set is preserved for compatibility.

  • The internal storage in MatrixIndexSet was changed from std::set to a sorted std::vector (with a std::set fallback for very dense rows) to improve performance. The stored index type was changed from std::size_t to uint32_t to reduce memory consumption and improve performance. Hence, MatrixIndexSet can no longer be used for very large matrices with more than 2^32 columns.

  • Added flag ‘useFixedOrder’ to the coarsen method of AMGs ParallelIndicesCoarsener. If set to true, during the creation of the coarser matrix (by accumulation and restriction to fewer processes) the coarse matrix rows are ordered in a fixed manner, making parallel runs reproducible; the runtime is possibly not ideal though. If set to false (which is the default), the row order depends on the order of messages received from the processes responsible for the respective parts of the finer grid. Then the indices on the coarser grid may differ from run to run.

  • Define field_type and real_type in MultiTypeBlock[Matrix|Vector] only if a common type of these types exist over all blocks in the container. Otherwise it is defined as Std::nonesuch.

Deprecations and removals

  • The deprecated CMake variables SUPERLU_INCLUDE_DIRS, SUPERLU_LIBRARIES, SUPERLU_DUNE_COMPILE_FLAGS, and SUPERLU_DUNE_LIBRARIES are removed, they are replaced by the target SuperLU::SuperLU.

  • Multiple containers no longer provide the deprecated member function blocklevel. Use the free function blockLevel().

  • Removed deprecated function initSolverFactories(), use initSolverFactories<O> instead.

  • Removed deprecated MultyTypeBlockMatrix::size(), use N() instead.

  • Removed deprecated MultyTypeBlockVector::count(), use N() instead.

  • Deprecated writeSVGMatrix with std::stream as the second argument. Use the method with std::stream as the first argument.

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