
CHANGELOG dune-common 2.10.0

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Release 2.10

C++: Changelog

  • TupleVector now implements the standard protocol for tuple-like types.

  • There is a new base class IteratorFacade that unifies ForwardIteratorFacade, BidirectionalIteratorFacade, RandomAccessIteratorFacade by making the iterator category a template. Furthermore the new IteratorFacade class allows to specify a pointer type other than value_type* to support proxy-iterators. The old facade classes remain unchanged for backward compatibility reasons.

  • Add utilities Std::span, Std::mdspan, Std::mdarray and all its related classes into the Dune::Std namespace for working with multidimensional arrays. See core/dune-common!1334 for further details.

  • The construction of FieldMatrix and FieldVector from std::initializer_list is now constexpr.

  • Add concepts directory dune/common/concepts/ and some fundamental concept definitions using c++20-concepts. Those concepts are still experimental and are marked with the new doxygen command \experimental. Additionally, the preprocessor constant DUNE_ENABLE_CONCEPTS is provided when including dune/common/concepts.hh that tells whether the library and compiler understand the new c++20-concepts and the concept definitions can be used. This constant can also be set manually as a compilerflag to enforce enabling or disabling these features.

  • Two concept definitions are added: Dune::Concept::Hashable and Dune::Concept::[RandomAccess]Container in dune/common/concepts/ directory.

  • Add user-defined literals _ic, _uc and _sc to represent integral constants.

  • Add “hybrid” functors for basic math operations with integral constant arguments, i.e., Hybrid::max, Hybrid::min, Hybrid::plus, Hybrid::minus, and Hybrid::equal_to. Operations between two integral constants result in an integral constant, whereas operations with at least one non integral constant argument is performed on the underlying value type.

  • Make filledArray compatible with non-default-constructble types.

  • Add utility CopyableOptional that allows to wrap types that are copy constructible but not copy assignable and provide assignment operations based on the constructors.

  • Added the methods checkThrow,requireThrow and the corresponding checkNoThrow, requireNoThrow to the Dune::TestSuite to test for throwing and no throwing of exceptions.

  • Add the utility IsCompileTimeConstant to check for integral constants and anything with the same interface.

  • Add dedicated includes dune/common/metis.hh for METIS and dune/common/parallel/parmetis.hh for ParMETIS to be used instead of the direct includes metis.h and parmetis.h.

  • Add utilities and algorithms to work with std::integer_sequences.

  • Fixed MPI implementation of Communication::isend.

  • Move special MPI-related compile flags, like MPI_NO_CPPBIND, from config.h into the cmake utiltiy add_dune_mpi_flags and the related global package registration.

  • Add new utility type IndexedIterator that extends a given iterator by an index() method returning a traversal index.

C++: Deprecations and removals

  • Remove deprecated macros DUNE_VERSION_NEWER and DUNE_VERSION_NEWER_REV, use DUNE_VERSION_GTE and DUNE_VERSION_GTE_REV instead. There was no deprecation compiler warning.

  • The deprecated header dune/common/function.hh has been removed. Use C++ function objects and std::function stuff instead!

  • The deprecated header dune/common/std/utility.hh has been removed. Use <utility> instead.

  • The deprecated header dune/common/std/variant.hh has been removed. Use <variant> instead.

  • The deprecated header dune/common/to_unique_ptr.hh has been removed. Use std::unique_ptr or std::shared_ptr instead.

  • Deprecated conjunction, disjunction, and negation have been removed. Instead, use the structs from <type_traits> introduced with C++17.

  • Remove deprecated dune/common/std/apply.hh, use std::apply instead.

  • Deprecated the file dune/common/assertandreturn.hh and the contained utility DUNE_ASSERT_AND_RETURN. Use assert() macro directly in constexpr functions.

  • Remove deprecated header power.hh. Use Dune::power from math.hh instead.

  • Deprecate class SizeOf. Use sizeof... instead.

  • Deprecate header dune/common/keywords.hh and the provided macros DUNE_GENERALIZED_CONSTEXPR and DUNE_INLINE_VARIABLE. Use the key words directly.

  • Remove deprecated header dune/python/common/numpycommdatahandle.hh. Use dune/python/grid/numpycommdatahandle.hh instead.

  • Remove in dune/python/common/dimrange.hh the DimRange specializations for dune-typetree and dune-functions types. Those are moved to dune-functions.

Python: Changelog

  • Python: Add TupleVector Python bindings

  • Python: The function cppType now support Python tuples, which are converted to the C++ type std::tuple

  • Python: Add a dump/load functions to dune.common.pickle which add support for storing and recreating the JIT generated modules required for the pickling of dune objects to work. In addition a class for writing time series of pickled data is provided.

  • Python: Add a new argument class to the generator to add pickling support. The approach is similar to adding extra constructors or methods.

  • Python: Add a new command to dune.__main__ to compile existing modules in parallel, e.g., python -m dune make -j8 hierarchicalgrid Add the option to both ‘remove’ and ‘make’ commands to read module list from a file.

Build system: Changelog

  • Add a REQUIRED parameter to dune_python_configure_bindings. If set to TRUE the functions throws an error instead of a warning if the package setup fails. The default behavior (or setting REQUIRE to FALSE) is to show the warning during configuration and to continue.

  • Dune package dependencies are now transitively resolved at find_package(<dune-module>) calls instead of waiting until the call to dune_project(). For example, a CMake call to find_package(dune-grid) will transitively find the dune packages dune-common, dune-geometry and (if available) dune-uggrid. Note that the targets provided by those found modules are still being set up at the dune_project() call.

  • Documentation files in doc/buildsystem/${ModuleName}.rst are now only copied. Previously, they were configured through the CMake function configure_file() as a cmake template file.

  • Try to find SuiteSparse during configuration.

  • The function dune_add_library(<lib> ...) now requires to provide EXPORT_NAME or NO_EXPORT. Moreover, a namespace can be specified via the argument NAMESPACE which defaults to Dune:: and is prepended to the export name. We recommend to choose an export name with a camel title case matching your library name (e.g., Common, ISTL, and MultiDomainGrid will be exported as Dune::Common, Dune::ISTL, and Dune::MultiDomainGrid). Warning: Both <lib> and Dune::${EXPORT_NAME} are currently exported. Keep in mind that:

    • Libraries that consume Dune::${EXPORT_NAME} will only be forward compatible with Dune 2.10.
    • Libraries that consume <lib> will be supported until compatibility with Dune 2.9 is not required anymore.
  • Generation of config.h is overhauled and split in a public and a private config file. Only the public file is installed and consumed by down-stream modules. For compatibility, the old single file is created, too.

  • The CMake macro finalize_dune_project no longer has an optional argument, a config file is always created.

  • Do not overwrite the add_test cmake function with an error message.

  • Setting the minimal c++ standard in cmake is now done by a cmake feature-requirement cxx_std_17 on the dunecommon library target. This requirement is propagated to all other modules by linking against dunecommon.

  • We have changed the way optional dependencies are activated in the build-system internally. The cmake macros add_dune_xy_flags do not set the compiler flag -DENABLE_XY=1 anymore, but instead set directly the flag -DHAVE_XY=1. Neither ENABLE_XY nor HAVE_XY should be modified manually by the user. Since the HAVE_XY flag is now set as a compiler flag, it is not included in the config.h files anymore.

  • Add a policy system to smoothly change behavior in the build-system. This follows the cmake policy system but uses own IDs and is connected to dune module version instead of cmake versions.

  • Rename <module>_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES into <module>_LIBRARIES (representing all module-libraries) and introduce <module>_EXPORTED_LIBRARIES as a list of all libraries exported by the module.

Build system: Deprecations and removals

  • Remove the search of (currently broken) pkg-config files for dune packages.

  • Remove the ALLOW_CXXFLAGS_OVERWRITE configure option. The CXXFLAGS overload is still turned on for the JIT compiled Python modules. See the description of the MR https://gitlab.dune-project.org/core/dune-common/-/merge_requests/1251 for more details on how to use this feature in the source modules and on some new feature.

  • Remove deprecated add_directory_test_target function.

  • The cmake options CXX_MAX_STANDARD, CXX_MAX_SUPPORTED_STANDARD and DISABLE_CXX_VERSION_CHECK are removed. The cmake function dune_require_cxx_standard() is now deprecated.

  • Deprecate CMake macro message_verbose. Use message(VERBOSE "message text") instead. This macro will be removed after Dune 2.10.

  • Remove deprecated CMake file DuneCMakeCompat.cmake that only contained a deprecation message.

  • Remove deprecated CMake function inkscape_generate_png_from_svg. Use dune_create_inkscape_image_converter_target instead.

  • Remove deprecated rmgenerated.py. Call python -m dune remove with the same arguments instead.

  • Remove DunePythonDeprecations.cmake that was used to ease the overhaul of Python CMake integration.

  • Remove deprecated CMake function dune_python_install_package. Use dune_python_configure_bindings or dune_python_configure_package according to the needed behavior.

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