CHANGELOG dune-common 2.10.0

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Release 2.10

C++: Changelog

  • TupleVector now implements the standard protocol for tuple-like types.

  • There is a new base class IteratorFacade that unifies ForwardIteratorFacade, BidirectionalIteratorFacade, RandomAccessIteratorFacade by making the iterator category a template. Furthermore the new IteratorFacade class allows to specify a pointer type other than value_type* to support proxy-iterators. The old facade classes remain unchanged for backward compatibility reasons.

  • Add utilities Std::span, Std::mdspan, Std::mdarray and all its related classes into the Dune::Std namespace for working with multidimensional arrays. See core/dune-common!1334 for further details.

  • The construction of FieldMatrix and FieldVector from std::initializer_list is now constexpr.

  • Add concepts directory dune/common/concepts/ and some fundamental concept definitions using c++20-concepts. Those concepts are still experimental and are marked with the new doxygen command \experimental. Additionally, the preprocessor constant DUNE_ENABLE_CONCEPTS is provided when including dune/common/concepts.hh that tells whether the library and compiler understand the new c++20-concepts and the concept definitions can be used. This constant can also be set manually as a compilerflag to enforce enabling or disabling these features.

  • Two concept definitions are added: Dune::Concept::Hashable and Dune::Concept::[RandomAccess]Container in dune/common/concepts/ directory.

  • Add user-defined literals _ic, _uc and _sc to represent integral constants.

  • Add “hybrid” functors for basic math operations with integral constant arguments, i.e., Hybrid::max, Hybrid::min, Hybrid::plus, Hybrid::minus, and Hybrid::equal_to. Operations between two integral constants result in an integral constant, whereas operations with at least one non integral constant argument is performed on the underlying value type.

  • Make filledArray compatible with non-default-constructble types.

  • Add utility CopyableOptional that allows to wrap types that are copy constructible but not copy assignable and provide assignment operations based on the constructors.

  • Added the methods checkThrow,requireThrow and the corresponding checkNoThrow, requireNoThrow to the Dune::TestSuite to test for throwing and no throwing of exceptions.

  • Add the utility IsCompileTimeConstant to check for integral constants and anything with the same interface.

  • Add dedicated includes dune/common/metis.hh for METIS and dune/common/parallel/parmetis.hh for ParMETIS to be used instead of the direct includes metis.h and parmetis.h.

  • Add utilities and algorithms to work with std::integer_sequences.

  • Fixed MPI implementation of Communication::isend.

  • Move special MPI-related compile flags, like MPI_NO_CPPBIND, from config.h into the cmake utiltiy add_dune_mpi_flags and the related global package registration.

  • Add new utility type IndexedIterator that extends a given iterator by an index() method returning a traversal index.

C++: Deprecations and removals

  • Remove deprecated macros DUNE_VERSION_NEWER and DUNE_VERSION_NEWER_REV, use DUNE_VERSION_GTE and DUNE_VERSION_GTE_REV instead. There was no deprecation compiler warning.

  • The deprecated header dune/common/function.hh has been removed. Use C++ function objects and std::function stuff instead!

  • The deprecated header dune/common/std/utility.hh has been removed. Use <utility> instead.

  • The deprecated header dune/common/std/variant.hh has been removed. Use <variant> instead.

  • The deprecated header dune/common/to_unique_ptr.hh has been removed. Use std::unique_ptr or std::shared_ptr instead.

  • Deprecated conjunction, disjunction, and negation have been removed. Instead, use the structs from <type_traits> introduced with C++17.

  • Remove deprecated dune/common/std/apply.hh, use std::apply instead.

  • Deprecated the file dune/common/assertandreturn.hh and the contained utility DUNE_ASSERT_AND_RETURN. Use assert() macro directly in constexpr functions.

  • Remove deprecated header power.hh. Use Dune::power from math.hh instead.

  • Deprecate class SizeOf. Use sizeof... instead.

  • Deprecate header dune/common/keywords.hh and the provided macros DUNE_GENERALIZED_CONSTEXPR and DUNE_INLINE_VARIABLE. Use the key words directly.

  • Remove deprecated header dune/python/common/numpycommdatahandle.hh. Use dune/python/grid/numpycommdatahandle.hh instead.

  • Remove in dune/python/common/dimrange.hh the DimRange specializations for dune-typetree and dune-functions types. Those are moved to dune-functions.

Python: Changelog

  • Python: Add TupleVector Python bindings

  • Python: The function cppType now support Python tuples, which are converted to the C++ type std::tuple

  • Python: Add a dump/load functions to dune.common.pickle which add support for storing and recreating the JIT generated modules required for the pickling of dune objects to work. In addition a class for writing time series of pickled data is provided.

  • Python: Add a new argument class to the generator to add pickling support. The approach is similar to adding extra constructors or methods.

  • Python: Add a new command to dune.__main__ to compile existing modules in parallel, e.g., python -m dune make -j8 hierarchicalgrid Add the option to both ‘remove’ and ‘make’ commands to read module list from a file.

Build system: Changelog

  • Add a REQUIRED parameter to dune_python_configure_bindings. If set to TRUE the functions throws an error instead of a warning if the package setup fails. The default behavior (or setting REQUIRE to FALSE) is to show the warning during configuration and to continue.

  • Dune package dependencies are now transitively resolved at find_package(<dune-module>) calls instead of waiting until the call to dune_project(). For example, a CMake call to find_package(dune-grid) will transitively find the dune packages dune-common, dune-geometry and (if available) dune-uggrid. Note that the targets provided by those found modules are still being set up at the dune_project() call.

  • Documentation files in doc/buildsystem/${ModuleName}.rst are now only copied. Previously, they were configured through the CMake function configure_file() as a cmake template file.

  • Try to find SuiteSparse during configuration.

  • The function dune_add_library(<lib> ...) now requires to provide EXPORT_NAME or NO_EXPORT. Moreover, a namespace can be specified via the argument NAMESPACE which defaults to Dune:: and is prepended to the export name. We recommend to choose an export name with a camel title case matching your library name (e.g., Common, ISTL, and MultiDomainGrid will be exported as Dune::Common, Dune::ISTL, and Dune::MultiDomainGrid). Warning: Both <lib> and Dune::${EXPORT_NAME} are currently exported. Keep in mind that:

    • Libraries that consume Dune::${EXPORT_NAME} will only be forward compatible with Dune 2.10.
    • Libraries that consume <lib> will be supported until compatibility with Dune 2.9 is not required anymore.
  • Generation of config.h is overhauled and split in a public and a private config file. Only the public file is installed and consumed by down-stream modules. For compatibility, the old single file is created, too.

  • The CMake macro finalize_dune_project no longer has an optional argument, a config file is always created.

  • Do not overwrite the add_test cmake function with an error message.

  • Setting the minimal c++ standard in cmake is now done by a cmake feature-requirement cxx_std_17 on the dunecommon library target. This requirement is propagated to all other modules by linking against dunecommon.

  • We have changed the way optional dependencies are activated in the build-system internally. The cmake macros add_dune_xy_flags do not set the compiler flag -DENABLE_XY=1 anymore, but instead set directly the flag -DHAVE_XY=1. Neither ENABLE_XY nor HAVE_XY should be modified manually by the user. Since the HAVE_XY flag is now set as a compiler flag, it is not included in the config.h files anymore.

  • Add a policy system to smoothly change behavior in the build-system. This follows the cmake policy system but uses own IDs and is connected to dune module version instead of cmake versions.

  • Rename <module>_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES into <module>_LIBRARIES (representing all module-libraries) and introduce <module>_EXPORTED_LIBRARIES as a list of all libraries exported by the module.

Build system: Deprecations and removals

  • Remove the search of (currently broken) pkg-config files for dune packages.

  • Remove the ALLOW_CXXFLAGS_OVERWRITE configure option. The CXXFLAGS overload is still turned on for the JIT compiled Python modules. See the description of the MR for more details on how to use this feature in the source modules and on some new feature.

  • Remove deprecated add_directory_test_target function.

  • The cmake options CXX_MAX_STANDARD, CXX_MAX_SUPPORTED_STANDARD and DISABLE_CXX_VERSION_CHECK are removed. The cmake function dune_require_cxx_standard() is now deprecated.

  • Deprecate CMake macro message_verbose. Use message(VERBOSE "message text") instead. This macro will be removed after Dune 2.10.

  • Remove deprecated CMake file DuneCMakeCompat.cmake that only contained a deprecation message.

  • Remove deprecated CMake function inkscape_generate_png_from_svg. Use dune_create_inkscape_image_converter_target instead.

  • Remove deprecated Call python -m dune remove with the same arguments instead.

  • Remove DunePythonDeprecations.cmake that was used to ease the overhaul of Python CMake integration.

  • Remove deprecated CMake function dune_python_install_package. Use dune_python_configure_bindings or dune_python_configure_package according to the needed behavior.

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